What's left of you

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"Aziraphale" the tears fell slowly and painfully down Crowley's face as he uttered that name. The sobs had increased until they overpowered even his screams, until they broke and ended, letting that be the last are in the world. The world died weeping. The demon looked around him, the stars were going out one by one, his creations were being swept away with nothing left of them. Instead he, the last of his kind, of any kind, floated in the drifting void, those stars he had once worshipped clutching at a shard of cold, sharp glass. He kept his eyes wide open because when he closed them he kept reliving the last moments with his angel. The moments when everything had ended and that had brought him there, alone and unhappy, waiting for the last star to go out.Aziraphale had taken the shard and made it part of himself. His aura had changed it had become dark, looking at him was like looking at a black hole. That shard had created something completely new, different even from Risengard, for he was already dark. Aziraphale had stroked the outline of that shard and looked into those familiar demonic eyes. Those eyes he adored, which had been his reason for living for millennia, and he had understood what he had to do. He had imprinted that small fragment right on his heart and that piece of glass had taken the initiative. The angel took a deep breath, felt the sudden change, felt his strength increase, as did his fury and the hatred he felt for the being in front of him. He looked at Crowley and could not suppress the instinct to hold him close, inhale his sweet scent and feel his warmth once more. He ignored the screams of the madman in front of him and went on the attack. Now they were even. The light inside him had disappeared. The two enemies set off without hesitation against each other like two rams too stubborn to stop. The earth trembled and slowly long cracks widened beneath them. The two factions had reached the final decisive moments. There were few still standing, the angels and demons trying not to retreat under the monstrous horde that was now gathering the few stubborn survivors, pushing them against each other. Crowley saw Beelzebub defending his last underlings tooth and nail, as he shouted Gabriel's name in vain, for he knew he would receive no answer, but desperation drove even this. The blade swiftly thrust towards him, Miro wasted no time, he went straight to the point. The clash between him and Risengard's right arm was unequal in an almost ironic way, the more effort the demon put into it, the more the cursed one drew on the power of the mirror. The scream came too late to his ears, the explosion threw both him and his opponent far away. The demon turned to see the angel suspended in midair, a fierce snarl on his once gentle face, and that expression mirrored that of the monster before him. Both were fighting at the height of their power. Their blows were so strong that they caused explosions, London shook with the worst earthquake that could exist, even the air was rising in temperature little by little.
It was a clash of titans, it was a clash for life. The angel fought just as he had done so long ago, but this time he would kill because it was his will, there was no other way. Rinsergard attempted a lunge that Aziraphale managed to dodge, he also parried the blows afterwards, which only made the monster's uncontrolled fury explode even more. Myró flew within inches of them who ignored him as if he were a leaf, Crowley had struck him and sent him flying away with a blow that took part of his spear and his right arm. The monstrous howls and shrieks he made when the demon dealt him another blow attracted the attention of Risengard, who made the mistake of becoming distracted. Azirphale charged the blow and drew on all the power he could find in the shard. Rinsegard was struck full force, his sword snapped and he crashed to the ground, creating a chasm. Finally the angel smiled. He concentrated and struck the second blow, the flames of his sword moved in unison forming a dark sphere that the angel hurled with all his strength. The earth split in half and filled with flames, around the chasm the monsters were incinerated amidst their own screams, and in the centre of that scene Risengard's body lay motionless. At that sight joy invaded the angel, he tasted victory as never before. It was something he saw out of the corner of his eye that caused all feeling within him to die. He saw a red-haired figure plummet to the ground with a spear piercing it from side to side. When the body hit the ground, it made a noise that to him overpowered all other sounds, it was the same as centuries before, when Crowley had disappeared from Paradise and he had tried to stop his fall without success. Below him Risengard's laughter came full of satisfaction, slowly the figure rose and smiled at him "What is it little angel? Lost something?" the monster's tongue darted out to lick his bloody lips. It was at that moment that the last shred of humanity in Aziraphale was sucked out of the black hole that was the shard. He closed his eyes and let the fragment take over. The current of power invaded him, he felt his angelic aura disappear and become something as monstrous as that of his enemy. Now they were on equal terms. The fight began once more, only this time no one cared about those left behind. Angels and demons were now trying to escape from what had turned out to be more of an ambush than a battle, but they were being cut down one after the other inexorably. And the world fell apart, the land trembled even on the other side of the world, the waters began to rise. There was no shelter, no escape from what was happening. Aziraphale tried to get closer and closer to where the body of his beloved had fallen, over which the figure of Miro now loomed. He saw the former demon raise Crowley's sword high in the air, ready to deal him the coup de grace. He did not understand where he found the strength, but he struck with a fist at Risengard, who retreated as he turned and made the final decisive move. His blade drew a perfect arc in midair, and when it stopped it seemed to have done nothing, it took an instant for Miro's head to break off, ending up at his feet as his body hit the ground. Rinsegard made sounds no one had ever heard in this world, a mixture of horror, anger and madness. He fell to his knees looking at his friend's head, his hands left the hilt of his sword and began to dig convulsively around the shard in his chest. Aziraphale held Crowley, who was slowly regaining consciousness. Despite the deep wound he had survived. "I will fix everything" was the phrase Risengard repeated like a chant, in a strangled whisper that mirrored his gaze. His trembling hands held his bloody shard, which he joined with the second shard in his possession. A blinding light emanated from the two reunited fragments and the power was comparable to the explosion of the sun. Azirphale tightened his grip around his sword at the sight of what was happening. Around the madman, weapons levitated in midair and turned against them as the monsters surrounded them. The heavenly and demonic armies had been defeated. Only the two of them remained. The last angel on earth stood up proudly and prepared to protect the demon he loved for the last time. He knew exactly what was about to happen. Weapons flew towards them, too many to stop, too many to save them both, and he did the only thing possible. He protected Crowley by pulling him to him. As they fell to the ground still bound in the world's last embrace, they looked into each other's eyes and that was enough to reveal their feelings to each other.
They heard Risengard's footsteps approaching, with a kick he flipped the angel onto his back, plunged his fingers into his chest and tore off the fragment "Now everything will be as it was," he said, smiling softly. The earth surrendered, just like Heaven and Hell, as he brought the last fragment closer to the others the fiery heavens opened as well as the earth, the hand of God and the hand of the Devil laboured in vain trying to prevent something that had already happened. The mirror returned to its original form, Rinsegard raised it above him and created a vortex that began to engulf the world. thus began the end of the world. But the new mad god was too busy destroying the world to observe what was happening beside him. Aziraphale reached out his fingers and stroked Crowley's face, smiled at him and then gathered his strength. Crowley tried to hold him, to hold him close one last time, but he could not. The angel used the last ounce of life he had left to act, took his angel essence and destroyed it in order to perform his final miracle. His body regained its strength and its original form. Risengard turned towards him and attempted a lunge. Aziraphale let the blow pierce him without even attempting to move, almost welcoming him, but his miracle was also successful. His sword pierced the heart and the mirror in one precise point, Aziraphale snatched the mirror from Risengard's hands in disbelief. The stunned look of a child painted on his face. Red tears gushed from those once divine eyes, "too late little angel" he smiled, "I have given birth to a new world now" as soon as he finished these words his body began to crumble and turn to dust just like the world around them. Aziraphale returned to Crowley and pulled him to his feet as the demon tried to understand what he was doing. The angel stood in front of him, looked him in the eyes and then did what they had both been waiting for all their lives, their lips touched. A kiss was their farewell. Crowley felt Aziraphale's hands push him away, he opened his eyes only to realise that the angel had pushed him into a portal. The demon reached out his hand in an attempt to grasp his beloved but it was too late. He found himself suspended between the stars mourning his love and the world, waiting for the end clutching that broken mirror and painful memories.


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