Run for cover

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The menacing hiss came out loud and clear from the demon watching the two newcomers. Crowley had opened the door and exclaimed, "What the fuck do you want?" angry and exasperated. He had turned around and headed for the kitchen followed by all the others who were petrified in their place. Anathema and Newt had clung to each other and had petrified at the exact moment the demon had opened the door wide open without much compliment, Azirphale was dusting his jacket and straightening his bow tie as if nothing was happening, regardless of everything. Crowley pulled out some new glasses from a drawer and a bottle of wine in a skidding pace made his way to the center of the living room. "If you're here it means we're screwed to hell, doesn't it?" said the demon sitting on the edge of the table, "Come on my dear, there must be something we can do, it's true the situation is serious but there's always a plan to be worked out," said Aziraphale grabbing a chair and settling down not far from him.Gabriel came in quietly and sighed, snapped his fingers and made a tea cup and a soft white chair appear in which he sat, the same thing did Beelzebub who made a twisted bench appear, too big for him and sat cross-legged on it. The Duke of Hell was the first to speak, "It's also great, there was some trouble, and we noticed a late one! The problem isn't that someone wants to blow up the earth, it's that my spies found out that he wants to make the rest of it disappear too," he said puffing and pointing around. He looked like a sullen child. Crowely knew that if the Duke of Hell took the time to talk to him, something must have gone very wrong somewhere. Hell and heaven in that room had taken a tacit respite to figure out what was going on. "And what's more," said Gabriel, "it seems that a certain artifact has been unearthed, and the problem is that it has fallen into the wrong hands," when he said it, his gaze was on the angel and the demon and was accompanied by a very dark look. "We also know that you two idiots have stolen two pieces of the aforementioned artifact from our kingdoms, do you still have them in your possession, or were you stupid enough to take them? Crowley hissed angrily, the bloody archangel couldn't avoid insulting them even at a time like that. Aziraphale felt the tension rise up and said, "We still have them in our hands!" As soon as the sentence ended Gabriel's chair was turned over, in an instant the archangel had taken Aziraphale by the collar and held him firmly "Leave them to me! Now! In our hands, we can prevent the worst! Tell me where they are" he had said it all in one breath and screaming an inch away from each other's faces. Crowley had sprung to his feet and watched the scene in horror, but he knew that if he moved one more step, things would fall apart. This truce was lasting less than expected and he didn't like it at all. Aziraphale was unexpectedly calm. "I don't have the fragments, you could avoid them..." the angel managed to break up with him "and even if I did, I don't think I'd keep them in my pocket," he added, slapping Gabriel's hands away, the scene surprised everyone, no one would have ever expected the angel to do such a thing. Gabriel remained banned, with his hands still in midair staring at the empty spot where his opponent was before, Beelzebub burst into a thunderous laugh. Crowley drank an abundant sip of wine and shoved his glasses even more into his face and sat down again. "What are you doing?" Anathema's voice broke that moment and re-created the tension of just before "Do you think you're standing there quietly discussing this? Do you think your reunion will touch on more important issues? How do we survive? How do we save ourselves?" everyone's eyes were now on her. From the witch's voice shuddered worry, her voice trembled and tears rose in her eyes, but she would not cry. She wouldn't let her frustration win. Aziraphale approached her and took her hands between his hands. "My dear, I know things are difficult, but we'll manage, have faith in us," he smiled softly and the girl seemed to calm down at least a little.
"Is the witch right what you've come to do? If you want the pieces, we won't give them to you, and you know it." Crowley had spoken in a strong tone, and in doing so, he even took off his glasses. "How is it possible that nobody noticed anything? What heaven are your intentions?" Gabriel had gone back to his seat and was clutching the bracelet of the chair as if at any moment it was going to gallop, Beelzebub was waving and the flies around his head were forming a sort of black cloud. "We'll fight, that's what we'll do!" the hellish duke banged his bugle on his desk and performed in a proud air that suited him very little. "We must fight, I was sent here for negotiations in neutral territory, and I suspect this one is too," he said, pointing the archangel one armchair over. "We know that there have been many disappearances both among my ranks and among those of you losers up there and we all know what happened to them" as he spoke the flies had changed buzz and had become threatening and gloomy, the archangel without being noticed tried to move a little further away, when he looked in front of him he met the perplexed gaze of Aziraphale and tried to give himself a tone. "Yes, it's true! There have been deserters who have covered the tracks of what was happening but now that we know what's going on we have to fight back and...well..." whatever he was about to say must have made him very uncomfortable because Gabriel was moving around irritated and wiping imaginary crumbs off his immaculate trousers. The rest of the sentence came in a whisper in the ears of those present "we should all fight together" the silence fell implacably on all of them. Beelzebub was the first to jump out of the chair followed by Crowley and Aziraphale who started talking all together. "Heaven and Hell can never fight together! It's madness!" was the phrase that sparked the uprising. The two helllings and the archangel shouted at each other indiscriminately, the words were followed by deeds and the first object that flew into the room was a candelabra that left the hands of the archangel to meet in midair a glass vase left by the infernal duke. Crowley got in the way to save the vases with his seedlings and at his side Newt had stood there while he tried to calm the spirits. The angel, on the other hand, had dodged the flying objects and had managed to flank Anathema and watched the scene on the sidelines "Shouldn't we stop them? "The girl asked, and the answer came after a long sigh from the angel. "No, let them vent their anger, they are signing the truce that could save us all, and then if they really wanted to get hurt I assure you that the scene would be different" he smiled once again to reassure her.Shortly after the skirmish, a real agreement was drawn up between the two factions and the poor apartment, which showed the signs of the battle that had just ended, was refurbished. The Duke and Archangel returned to their respective kingdoms and the apartment became silent again. Anatema and Newt huddled on the sofa and locked themselves in their privacy bubble. Aziraphale followed the demon into the plant room and helped him water them. "What are you thinking angel?" the question had interrupted the quiet. "At Riz's dinner, when it's all over I really want to go there and we should also go back and have some crepes," said the angel smiled and hinted at a few steps of his favorite dance. "We're going to make it, angel, you know we're going to make it and I'll take you to all the dinners you want," as he listened to those words the angel touched the fragments in his pocket with his fingers and felt his heart tighten until it hurt, inside he felt that things were going to take an unexpected turn and in his head the words of the prophecy he had heard long before resounded and they did it in a terrifying way. Although he now had one more chance, he felt very little confidence, and I am sure that he could share similar moments with Crowley.

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