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Crowley had to use all his self-control not to kiss the angel. For a moment he seemed so fragile, he just wanted to hold him and keep him safe. He immediately let go of his grip and turned quickly to the phone, clearing his voice. The angel smiled tenderly at the sight of the embarrassed demon.

"We must call the witch and the hunter, if we were attacked they could be in danger too" hissed the snake of Eden, who on the way, who knows where, had pulled out a pair of glasses, returned immediately to cover his eyes.

"How could I not have thought of that before! We have to get there now "said the angel who couldn't be more worried about it. Anatema's voice on the other side of the phone was really excited "Are you all right?" in those words both celestials started breathing again, the humans were safe. "Witch listen we had visits here, you have to be careful they might come and look for you" said the demon with all the calm he was capable of. The angel stretched out towards him trying to listen to the conversation but only got an irritated hissing that made him portray immediately. Aziraphale looked at him with a threatening air, and the demon wisely decided to make him listen too. He pulled the phone out of his ear and put the speakerphone on, turning his eyes to the sky.

"We know they came to us too! They attacked our house and almost took Newt away. It was... It was..." the girl's voice broke, and you only heard a deep breath before it resumed. "If what you're looking for is causing all this damage, you must hurry and find it! Today I almost lost Newt and he didn't allow it to happen!" said the witch with determination, Crowley perceived in his words the love she felt for the other mortal, for a moment the demon wanted him and his angel to be two simple humans too. He imagined going to dinner without worrying about performing temptations and miracles, he imagined their love story together, for a few seconds his mind got lost amazed among those thoughts. It was Aziraphale calling his name that brought him back to reality. "Crowley, are you listening to me? We have to ask them if they feel like helping us again!" and without waiting for an answer the angel was already melting the phone from the socket of the demon.

"My dears, I fear our cooperation is not yet over. We recovered the first piece we were looking for, but the appeal is still two pieces away. Anathema, Newt, are you still willing to help us? I know this is very hard for you and if you don't feel like it, you won't have to worry about anything. But if you don't do anything then you might lose everything anyway. The question is... Will you do something, or will you just stand by and watch my loved ones?" the angel firmly asked. In the cottege Anatema looked at everything around her but it was enough for her to meet Newt's somewhat lost gaze to decide that she would continue to fight for what she had, and that she would fulfil her promise to help them. "Yes, we're with you" in those words, Newt just nodded, decided like never before. For that girl, he was going to go out into the world.

Once again Crowley could hear the emotion in Anatema's voice, and could understand it perfectly, he too would fight for his angel. "Well, brats, we gotta get together and reorganize and find out where the next damn place we gotta go is. Meet me at... Well...Uh... Let's see... Angelo where are we with these two?" puffed the demon. The angel shook her head and let a light giggle slip by, her partner thought well when we were going to kill them but not when they were quiet. It was unbelievable. "Dear friends, join us at my bookstore this evening, there is room for everyone" he said quietly greeting and making a sign to the other to end the call.

Crowley looked around, his apartment was a slaughterhouse, there were fragments of everything everywhere, and the door was totally gone. He puffed and fell on the couch, the only survivor of the "battle". He felt so tired even though he had slept until a few hours before. Maybe because the temperature outside had dropped in those days. He didn't immediately notice that the angel was wrapping him in a blanket. With a snap of his fingers Aziraphale decreased the light in the apartment and brought the room back to its immaculate state. "Crolwey you can fall asleep even now, we can rest a couple of hours it's still morning and there's a lot of time left for the appointment with the halt. . ." the yawning interrupted his speech in half and forced him to stop me for a moment "and then all these miracles have drained our energies. The long absence from our realms has made us weaker than we used to be"

"No! But what..." said the demon shaking his head with force "first of all I am not weak, the demons do not lose power!" hissed stirred "and secondly we have to do some research at your bookstore and see if we find any new clues... You always say that in your books there is a world of information" of ideas imitating the tone of the angel, then he clung even more in the blanket and I watch the furniture returned whole. "Thank you" he said in a string of voices to the angel who was now sitting next to him on the couch, very close. The demon felt himself on fire and looked away from that beautiful face and was buried again in the blanket. He made a little puff that was only muffled by the layers of fabric and started hissing incomprehensible things, snapped his fingers and both found themselves in the old bookcase sitting on the soft cream sofa. Aziraphale had escaped a cry of surprise "What's happen angel, now you are afraid of me too?" smiled the demon. In those words Aziraphale roasted.

The demon began to get rid of the blanket, stood up and stretched calmly. He took the blanket from the couch and tied it around his neck like a cape so that it would keep his back warm. The angel at that sight made a little resolution but took the hand that the other offered him and stood up in turn.

"Well, my dear, we must go to the occult section, perhaps there will be some spell that Anathema can use" they quickly crossed the bookstore to the other end and headed into the last lane, which was the narrowest and darkest of the store. Leaning against the wall was an old piece of finely chiselled furniture, which alone had to have an invaluable value, if you then looked at the books it contained, that value became almost incalculable. They were all extremely rare, occult books full of obscure magic or not. Some belonged to witches burned at the stake centuries before, some of whom had written them by hand. Over the centuries he had been friends with some of them and in return in their bequests the witches had cited him so that he had their books.

Aziraphale carefully removed a small key from his pocket and opened the cabinet doors. He took the first two books gently and handed one to Crowley "We'd better start reading". They went back to their desk where Aziraphale sat down and immediately started reading. Crowley instead kicked his shoes off and loved them to fly through the store and lay down on the couch. With a puff he began to read in turn. In a short time the books accumulated on the floor had become many as well as the bottles that the demon was accumulating next to him. Shortly after sunset they heard a car park outside the store and immediately after knocking. Crowley came back sober and got up with a grunt. He opened the door and let Anatema and Newt in.

The demon cautiously approached the angel who, completely immersed in his reading, was not aware of anything outside of his book. Crowley made a fierce sneer and came up sneaking up to scare the Aziraphale. When he arrived a few centimetres from each other, the demon took a great breath ready to scream, but the angel turned around without warning and made the demon scream, which fell to the ground cursing. "... and this is for the last time!" the angel who climbed over Crowley and went to welcome the guests said with a satisfied air.

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