The darkest side

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The demon made its way through the battlefield, one monster after another advancing as the bodies piled up around him. Around him, all his companions began to be in trouble and the disparity in numbers was felt. Gabriel had lost himself in the middle of the battle, while Beelzebub had turned and given vent to all his power, now with each blow the earth was shaking, the enemies began to retreat surprised by that new strength. The body of the demon king had had an extreme change, his once frail and small body had become tall and muscular, his every movement had become faster and... extremely lethal. Within a short time he had been surrounded and the two fighting companions had been separated. The same thing had happened to many of those who were part of their ranks, and wherever the demon turned around he saw that everyone was starting to go backwards. Things were not going well at all.The shock wave of the blow was so strong that everyone barely stood, and it made a roar-like sound. At the center of all that chaos, Aziraphale and Risengard had met. A vacuum had been created around them, not because it was voluntary, but because their aura and power drove away all those around them by instinct. Now they were there, facing each other, busy looking at each other, studying each other and preparing for the confrontation. If the first blow had already had such power, they could not imagine what could happen with their full power. Crowley was trying to gain ground, he was finally succeeding when things took an even worse turn. The demon, as well as his companions, saw the blue light invade the eyes of their opponents who suddenly and without warning were regaining their strength, Risengard was giving power back to his followers and was playing with his enemies. Can you get close to Beelzebub only to find yourself surrounded with him, "So you've made up your mind, you idiot?!" growled the king of the underworld in his direction, "Give me the fucking sword," cried Crowley back. Beelzebub nodded with determination with a decisive blow wiped out most of the enemies around them, only to have time to hand over the weapon. The black smoke materialized in the hands of the demon who let go of the sword he had taken from an enemy, began to feel the familiar weight of the hilt against his palm and see the shimmering metal, for a moment his gaze was lost admiring the sparkle of the sword. The wild scream that came from his shoulders accompanied by Miro's lunge plunged into nothingness. Suddenly where Crowley's body must have been, there was emptiness. The one who fell to the ground on his knees was Miro himself, he did not sigh or moan, he did not have time to blink or whisper a word, behind him stood the new Crowley. His glasses were gone, now his eyes were in plain sight, surrounded by locks of red hats that escaped the long braid in which his new long hair was gathered. The black armor he wore seemed so thin that it broke with the first breath of wind, while the sword had doubled in size. In the other hand that first trembled now were crumpling his beloved glasses, just as his gaze met that of Risengard who smiled mockingly at him.These were not the only aspects that had changed in Crowley, his body had also taken on a new form, despite the beauty the new body was the perfect war machine, the perfect balance between strength and agility. What was most frightening was the new light in those eyes. There was something dark, he felt it himself. Crowley said nothing, he let a tear fall from his eyes down his face and then to the ground. The demon felt the muscles of his body tighten and then snap, suddenly no one could stop him, all were below his reach. The battle no longer seemed so terrible to him, he no longer felt all the terror and insecurity of just before, his feelings had completely changed. Now everything seemed calmer, less chaotic, everything had almost a rhythm, fear was just a hint. There, the battle was in its heyday, Crowley's body flexed, paralysed and struck relentlessly, he felt the blood run down his sword and flow from the hilt to his hand and then down to the ground. The only thing that mattered to him was that sword held in his hands, he felt complete after a long time. He smiled as his blade sank into another enemy, and then again and again, and suddenly a blond hair not far away shook during a somersault.

His eyes got even bigger, his breathing stopped. What was he doing? What was going on? Why wasn't he already there? Aziraphale's armor was holding up even though blood was dripping from a small wound on his neck. Risengard had almost ripped his head off and he, Crowley, hadn't even noticed. His fingers tightened the hilt until it whitened, he contracted his muscles and jumped up, but as soon as his wings spread against the sky he was targeted by the arrows that forced him to return to the ground. The demon felt the fury mount inside him if, the aura around him began to change as he resumed his path towards Aziraphale. He let the anger locked inside him for centuries to come out, that all the frustration and his demonic side to reveal to the world. The gaze in his chariots changed once again, letting his darker side see the light.Aziraphale raised his flaming sword just in time to block yet another lunge and the blow was so powerful that he found himself on his knees and the ground beneath him broke. "My dear little angel, you look tired, maybe you should just stop fighting," growled Rinsegard in his madness, pushing even harder. The angel looked into those once gentle eyes and felt the anger grow, felt the despair pawing, he would not lose everything, neither now nor ever. He did not know with what form but he began to stand up and suddenly saw a second blade that broke the air and went straight against his opponent who was forced to retreat. Crowley reached out to him and Azirphale took it as if it were the last lifeboat of a sinking ship. He smiled without even thinking about it and squeezed the hand he was holding more gently, reciprocated and looked away. Though his angel smiled, he knew that he could now see all his darkness."How pathetic you are! You stupid idiots. Do you think that now that there are two of you, something will change? I HAVE THE POWER!". Risengard was scared, he didn't want to admit it, but that's all he knew, he wasn't sure he could control that fragment, nor that his plan would succeed, but he knew for sure that the two of them together were no good. He closed his eyes and drew all the power he could from the fragment embedded within himself. Feel the flow activate, he could feel the sweet taste. He laughed as only a madman can, the blows became faster, more brutal, but in those endless moments a fracture began to make its way into that fragment and the celestials saw hope.Around them the battle continued but the good guys were not winning at all, the demons were putting all their energy into it as well as the angels but the monsters kept coming in fleets. Some of the weaker demons and angels were trying to recover the wounded to get them back on their feet but only ended up being killed in the process. The blows resounded like thunder and the earth trembled relentlessly under the blows of the two factions. The end was closer than they thought, because the sparkle that appeared between Risengard's fingers shocked them both. That monster had taken another fragment from Aziraphale during the battle.

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