Kristoff Bjorman

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Note: It's going to be based off of my Disney's What If...? stuff. What If Elsa is the Only Child. It will be after Frozen II.

In the Enchanted Forest, far away from Arendelle, there was the fifth spirit, the mountain man and the reindeer.

The woman in her platinum blonde hair was looking for her friend. She was perplexed. "Kristoff!" The fifth spirit called.

The mountain man with his blond hair turns around. He was emotionless. "Elsa?" Kristoff inquires.

The reindeer tilts its head to the right in puzzlement.

She hurried to her friend. Elsa wasn't sure how to tell him. Although, she wanted to for her ease of anxiety.

The mountain man goes to the fifth spirit. Kristoff was sympathetic. "Hey, Elsa..." he said. Kristoff folds his arms. He took a deep breath. "You looked scared again. If something does bother you, you can tell me anything. It's just you and me and Sven." Kristoff reassured.

The reindeer moves his mouth.

The voice came from Kristoff. It sounded deeper.

Sven was cheerful. "That's right. It's all right with me and Kristoff. Please tell us what's up." Sven said (sounding like Kristoff's deep voice).

She sighs. Elsa was melancholy yet encouraged to talk to them. "I dreamed about myself and my sister." She confessed.

Sven was baffled.

So do Kristoff. He blinks his eyes one time. "Okay, this is not what I would expect you to say." Kristoff commented. He blinked his eyes two times. Kristoff was mystified. "Your sister?" He inquired.

Kristoff shrugs. He was puzzled. "I thought you're the only child back in Arendelle." Kristoff mentions.

Sven tilted his head to his left.

Elsa nodded her head. Her eyes are pitiful. She efforts to look at the mountain man. "I really think that too. Kristoff, I don't remember having a sister. But I saw her when I was a little girl. This doesn't make any sense." Elsa said.

Kristoff sighed. "Do you know what her name is?" He wondered.

The fifth spirit shook her head. "No." She replied.

Kristoff was curious. "Did you see the little girl back in Arendelle? Before you became the queen?" He asks a couple questions.

Elsa shrugged. "That was where and when I last saw her, sadly." She answers.

Kristoff considers for a bit. Then, he was bewildered. "Can you describe me what the little girl look like, Elsa?" Kristoff wonders.

Elsa pondered. She was serious with her frown. "Hmm...smaller than eyes...optimistic smile...ginger red hair like my father...and playful..." Elsa replies.

Kristoff made a glad smile. He was confident. "I might take a visit to Arendelle. I'm going to talk to your parents about this. Maybe they know something about her." Kristoff suggested.

The fifth spirit was concerned. "What if my parents don't have or remember anything about another daughter in Arendelle?" She asked.

The mountain man was smiling. His expression did not fractured. Kristoff nodded his head once. "Then I'll try searching for her for you, Elsa. I mean someone's going to protect the forest here." He answered.

She was happy. Elsa made a sad smile. "Thank you, Kristoff. You're a good friend." She said gratefully.

The mountain man chuckles. "I'm doing my best here." He said.

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