Varian's a What?

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In one room in the Castle of the Dread, there was the enormous isolated area.

All over the stone floor, there are nothing but skeletons and broken bones in the knights' armors. Some have no helmets. Some don't have the shields or swords, or they just have butterfingers against the big black spiders in combat.

The big black arachnids walks over them, leaving their white sticky silks behind.

The big black spiders takes the skeletons on the walls. Some on the left, and some on the right.

They cleared the stone floor.

While the big black arachnids drags the human bones to the other side, there was the gigantic spider's web on one wall.

And there was the door hidden behind the gigantic spider's web.

And right above the door, there was Varian, unconscious and bound by the arachnid's white sticky silks. The alchemist was gagged by the spider's white sticky silks too. Varian was almost wrapped up in the arachnid's strings of web. The alchemist's shoulders are the only parts that are shown.

The evil sorcerer faced the young man with his villainous smile. He waved his left hand to his right slowly. Then, the evil sorcerer swishes his left hand instantly to the opposite direction.

Varian opens his wider, awakening from the sudden trance. The alchemist efforts to gasp but muffled by the white sticky silks.

Varian blinked his eyes a few times, processing for his new trouble ahead of him.

The alchemist was stunned at his surroundings. Varian writhes his body against the strong binding spider's web. "Mph-...Mph-mmph..." he muffles.

The evil sorcerer steps forward, revealing himself in his black robe out of the shadows. "I would be still if I were you, girl." He warned.

The alchemist halted himself. Varian was confused. The alchemist blinked his eyes once. "Wha?" Varian muffled in his inquiry.

The evil sorcerer goes near the gigantic spider's silky web.

The alchemist faces the evil sorcerer mystifyingly. Varian blinks his eyes again.

The evil sorcerer smirked. "Your struggles will bring the arachnids' attention. They'll be mistaken you as their tonight's food." He aforementioned.

The alchemist's face becomes pale. Varian gets feared for not only the spiders but the evil sorcerer too. The alchemist holds himself steady in the arachnids' sticky strings of silk.

The evil sorcerer chuckles. "You're a fearless young lady, I'll admit that." He stated.

The evil sorcerer strokes the big black spider's fuzzy back gently.

The big black arachnid hisses happily, making Varian shivered a little.

The evil sorcerer hums wickedly. "You believe that you and your friends will try to rescue Anna in my castle?" He inquired.

The alchemist got his eyes widened with shock.

The evil sorcerer was confident. "Once I tell you what I have done, you'll be joining her in the dreamworld. I have no desire to harm young women like you." He uttered.

Varian was appalled, sensing the upcoming fear from within his mind.

The evil sorcerer shrugged. "Whoever you are, that doesn't seem to matter to me." He said.

Then, the evil sorcerer gestures to himself. "Because I did the impossible! I cursed this castle! I am the only one who can get out of it! I trapped anyone who came here so they won't escape from the giant spiders!" He exclaimed.

The mountain man, the two elves, the fifth spirit and the another man poked their heads out a little.

They are fierce.

The evil sorcerer spreads his arms out, like presenting his masterpiece. "Brave knights and adventurers will try to stop me for the princess! But none of them have stand their chances! They just rushed in for the fights! Battling the spiders that try to get in their ways! But those men don't even stop to think! They're too easy to me!" He complained.

Elsa looks back in the dark corridor.

Several big black arachnids got deep freeze in ice. They are posed like some are attacking. And some that are scared of the fifth spirit.

Barley raises his eyebrow and sniggers quietly at the frozen spiders. Ian shushes at his elder brother.

Elsa, Barley and Ian looked at the evil sorcerer.

Varian watches the villain in the creepy room. The alchemist was frightened.

The evil sorcerer was devious. "Princess Anna is so much easier to be snatched by me from Arendelle! I just pretended to be some dreamy prince! Heck, that little princess thinks she was dreaming! As of matter of fact, the princess still does! Not the smartest move from her!" He confessed in his exclamation.

The five heroes furrowed their eyebrows at the villain.

The brown-haired man with his goatee appeared. He wore the outfit when he met Varian six years ago.

The hero from Corona walks a couple steps forth. "Okay, what you did to the princess from Arendelle was uncalled for!" He argued angrily.

The evil sorcerer turned around. He was astounded for a moment.

Varian was glad. "Eugene..." Varian muffles.

Eugene was resolute at the villain. "Let my brother go you crazyhead!" He rants.

The evil sorcerer blinked his eyes three times. He was bewildered. "Huh?" The evil sorcerer inquires.

Elsa, Kristoff, Barley and Ian arrived.

They stood behind Eugene.

Eugene crisscrossed his arms. "Varian? The one that was caught on the spider's web? My brother there?" Eugene inquired.

The evil sorcerer was still bewildered. "Are you saying that girl on the spider's web is actually a boy?!" He exclaims in his inquiry.

Kristoff was surprised. "Wait, what?" He inquires.

Barley was perplexed at the villain. "You thought Varian is a girl?" He inquires.

Elsa raised her eyebrow at the evil sorcerer. "I'm confused." She stated.

Ian was puzzled. "So am I." He mentioned.

Eugene was mad at the villain. "Just who the heck are you really?" He asked.

The evil sorcerer smiles bigger. He let out his hysterical laugh wickedly.

Varian was emotionless at the villain.

And so are the five heroes.

Eugene tightens his teeth with rage.

The evil sorcerer settles himself down for a moment.

He grins deviously. "I am Diablo..." he answered.

Diablo chuckled. "You are all stuck in the Castle of the Dread...Good luck trying to break my curse, heroes..." He mentions.

Diablo the dark sorcerer laughed eviler at them.

Eugene, Elsa, Kristoff, Barley and Ian are madder at Diablo.

They are not giving up without a fight.

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