The Challenges of Battling Monsters II

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Eugene was more resolute than ever. "You listened here, you demonic no-good warlock...We're gonna beat your evil spiders in this freak-show...And when they're gone, you're next..." he confirmed.

Diablo grinned. He was mischievous. "Heh, I absolutely love to see you and your friends try..." Diablo said.

Eugene, Elsa, Kristoff, Barley and Ian prepares their fighting stance.

They are frowning at Diablo.

Varian stay put in the bind of arachnids' white strings of sticky silks. If the alchemist struggles himself, Varian will become the spiders' food. The alchemist browsed the big black arachnids around the area.

They are walking slowly onto the gigantic spider's web.

Varian was stunned, getting his eyes wider. The alchemist was gasping in his gagged mouth.

Varian muffles in fear.

Ian was the first to take notice. He was concerned. Ian gestures out to them. "Guys, the spiders!" He screams.

One of the arachnids took detection to one's hearing.

Elsa, Kristoff and Barley are triggered at Diablo. "Seriously?!" They argued in unison.

Eugene snarled at the evil sorcerer. "You're not going to get away with this!" He vented.

Diablo smirks. "Oh, I already did." He said.

Diablo raises his both arms in the air. The black smokes surrounded the evil sorcerer.

After a couple seconds, Diablo has been morphed from man to the black demented bird.

The black smokes fades away.

The raven caws mockingly at them, flapping its wings.

The five heroes are unanticipated at the evil sorcerer's transformation.

The raven flies into the shadows.

Diablo disappeared in the dark.

Varian haven't left his eyes off of the spiders. The alchemist was panicked yet kept himself calmed for awhile. Varian muffled hard, gasps in every four seconds in the strings of white sticky silk.

The big black arachnids walked gradually on the gigantic spider's web.

One of the arachnids attempts to jump at the alchemist.

Varian shuts his eyes and looked away from the spider.

The arachnid got stopped in mid-air.

It became frozen solid like the rock.

The spider descended to the stone floor.

It scattered into pieces.

The fifth spirit was irritated. Elsa poses her fighting stance.

The arachnids holds everything.

They encountered the five heroes.

Barley was angry. "You want the young alchemist, you'll have to get thru us first!" He ranted.

Ian prepared his wizard's stance. He was annoyed. "Let him go!" Ian exclaimed.

The big black spiders hissed at the five heroes.

Kristoff was stern. "They ain't going to give up." He said.

The big black arachnids walks slower with caution at the five heroes.

Eugene was madder. He just wanted his brother back. "So are we." Eugene said in his determination.

Barley gestured to the four heroes for the plan. "Ian, Elsa, use your magic at the giant spiders. Kristoff and I will distract them. Eugene, see if you get Varian out of the giant spider's web." Barley declared.

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