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Merlin was delighted at the brown owl on his long hat. "Now, Archimedes, perhaps you can tell me how do the three boys end up the magical portal I mean..." Merlin mentioned.

Archimedes was stern at the wizard. "You made the magical portal. It was you who agreed to my suggestion. Just before Wart, I mean Arthur pulled the sword from the stone." The brown owl confirmed.

Kristoff, Varian and Barley blinked their eyes twice. They are confused.

Merlin was confused as well. The wizard scratches his head. "Me? I created the portal? By my magic?" Merlin inquires lots of questions.

Archimedes shook his head. "Oh, you-you-you..." The brown owl stumbles his words. Archimedes was irritated. "Have you forgotten about the girl?" The brown owl inquired.

Kristoff was astonished.

Merlin scratches his head again. "Uh, the girl...?" He inquires.

The mountain man steps forth. "Hey, Archimedes." Kristoff said.

Varian and Barley glanced at Kristoff bewilderingly.

The brown owl looks at the mountain man. "What-what-what-what?" Archimedes stammered in his inquiry.

Kristoff clears his throat. "Have you seen the girl with blue eyes and ginger red hair?" He asked.

Merlin was baffled.

The brown owl was skeptic at Kristoff. "And why should I tell you if I saw her or not?" Archimedes wondered.

The mountain man was resolute at the brown owl. "Because I was searching her for Elsa." Kristoff replied.

Archimedes was astounded. "Elsa?! The Snow Queen?!" The brown owl inquired in his exclamation.

The mountain man raises his eyebrow. "She WAS the snow queen. Now, Elsa's just the fifth spirit of the Enchanted Forest." Kristoff clarified.

Archimedes blinked his eyes thrice times.

The mountain man crisscrosses his arms. Kristoff was solemn. "Before Elsa became the queen, there was another little girl with her in the castle. She doesn't remember that she has a sister. Not in Arendelle. Nobody remembered her." He explained.

Varian and Barley are saddened with Kristoff.

The brown owl was stern yet flexible. "Not even her name?" Archimedes wonders.

Kristoff shook his head in his reply.

The brown owl made up his mind. Archimedes gestures his left wing. "Well I have seen the girl." He answered.

The mountain man extended his arms at the brown owl. "Do you happen to catch her name by any chance?" Kristoff asks.

Archimedes shook his head. "No I did not." He answers.

Barley was perplexed at the mountain man. "Wait, you've been looking for a girl and didn't know her name?" The blue burly elf wondered.

Kristoff looks at Barley awkwardly. "Yeah, kinda." Kristoff replied.

Merlin perturbed. The wizard was exasperated. Merlin shook his head several times. "Now hold on, hold on, hold on a moment here." He interrupts.

Everyone stares at Merlin.

The wizard was cheerful yet annoyed. "Let's all come inside of my cottage and we'll all just talk calmly about this situation." Merlin declared.

Kristoff, Varian and Barley agreed with Merlin.

They all went inside the wizard's cottage.

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