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Kristoff let go of Elsa. The mountain man looks at what's left of the evil sorcerer.

Diablo is actually Maleficent's scattered statue raven the whole time.

Kristoff was emotionless. He sighs. "There goes our chance to find Anna." Kristoff mentioned.

Varian checks out his left hand. The alchemist was puzzled. "Perhaps we can still find the princess." Varian said.

Ian was confused at Varian. "What do you mean by that?" Ian asked.

Barley, Ian, Eugene, Kristoff and Elsa gathered around Varian about his discovery.

The alchemist shows it to them. "Before Diablo try to hurt Elsa, I don't know if he dropped this pocket watch or it kinda fell out of his robe." Varian answered.

Eugene was skeptic. "Okay, why the heck would the evil sorcerer carried the platinum pocket watch?" He wondered.

Barley ponders for a few seconds. Then, he made his cheery smile. "Maybe because the pocket watch was the magical object." Barley replied.

Varian faced Barley. "Perhaps the pocket watch will show us anyone or anywhere what we want to see..." Varian stated.

Barley gestured at it. "Or perhaps the pocket watch will show us what we are looking for. It tells us where Princess Anna is." He explained.

Eugene was mischievous. He brought his lock-pick out of his vest. "Well we won't know until we check to see if the enchanted pocket watch works." Eugene assured. He efforts to open up the platinum pocket watch with his lock-pick.

The platinum pocket watch flips open swiftly.

Ian was smiling. "Huh, that was not so hard." He commented.

Elsa looked at the platinum pocket watch nervously.

Kristoff made a sad smile at her. "We'll see if Anna is somewhere in here together." He reassured.

Elsa returns her sad smile to Kristoff. "Yes...I do hope she's here..." Elsa mentions.

Varian shows the pocket watch to the fifth spirit. The alchemist was sympathetic. "Wherever Anna is, we'll help you find her." Varian said.

Elsa looks at Varian. "Thank you." She said.

Kristoff, Barley, Ian, Eugene and Varian smiled at Elsa pitifully.

Kristoff was next to the fifth spirit.

Eugene goes near Varian.

Barley gets close to Ian.

Kristoff and Elsa faces at the inside of the platinum pocket watch. They are unease yet ready to see for themselves.

Eugene and Varian looked at Kristoff and Elsa anxiously. Eugene grasped Varian's right hand. "It's okay. We're not giving up on her." Eugene said.

Barley and Ian looks at Kristoff and Elsa perplexingly. Barley and Ian nodded his head at her. "Don't hold back." They said in unison.

Kristoff and Elsa took a deep breath. The mountain man glanced at her. "Tell the pocket watch what you want to see." Kristoff said. He glances back at the platinum pocket watch.

Elsa was curious yet determined. She spoke to it. "I wanted to see my sister, Anna, please?" Elsa asks.

The platinum pocket watch answers the fifth spirit's question.

The reflector in the pocket watch changes from Elsa to Anna.

In the little mirror, there was the ginger red-haired princess in another room.

Elsa was baffled. "Anna...?" Elsa inquired.

Kristoff was bothered. "She's not in the Castle of the Dread?" He inquires.

Eugene looked at himself. Then, he looks at the platinum pocket watch. Eugene was puzzling. "We're still black and white...And the princess is technicolor anyhow...I feel like we're missing something here..." he said.

Barley shook his head. He was perplexed. "Seriously, this doesn't make any sense. We went in the castle. We searched everywhere. We fought the giant spiders. And we encountered the evil sorcerer. I don't know why the princess was all technicolor instead of black and white." Barley explains.

Elsa was frowning at the platinum pocket watch. "Wait, what? Anna, who are you talking to?" Elsa inquired in her complaining voice.

Ian was astonished. "Oh no..." he whispered.

Barley glanced at his youngest brother. "What, Ian?" Barley wonders.

Ian shook his head. "This is wrong. This is so wrong." He panicked.

Varian was concerned at the skinny elf. "Ian, please tell us what happened to Anna. I don't get it." Varian said.

Ian shrugged. He faced the five heroes. "Guys, it is what Diablo wants us to do. The evil sorcerer trapped us in the dreary castle." Ian replies.

The skinny elf facepalmed himself. "I can't believe that I'm gonna say this." Ian mutters.

The five heroes looks at the skinny elf confusingly.

Ian was alarmed. "We all thought Anna was in trouble...But...But I think Diablo fooled us...And worse comes to worse, he sets her up with someone else...And it seemed to me that Diablo has arranged the princess with the marriage..." Ian uttered.

Kristoff, Elsa, Eugene, Varian and Barley, including Ian was taken aback.

Kristoff was annoyed. "That's impossible. The only prince I know who came to Arendelle is Hans." Kristoff protested.

Elsa faced the five heroes. "I don't trust him. Prince Hans only wants my kingdom. He was trying to get me to fall in love with him." She explained.

Eugene was not amused. He faces Elsa. "Good thing you kicked him out when you saw that coming." Eugene comments.

Barley was irritated. "Varian, let me see the pocket watch pretty quick." Barley commanded.

Varian showed it to the burly elf.

Barley was skeptical. "Elsa, do you remember what this Hans guy look like?" Barley asked.

The fifth spirit considers. Elsa made her quizzical expression. "Tall, auburn hair, green eyes and he has sideburns around the ears..." she answered.

Kristoff was curious. "Why do you ask, Barley?" Kristoff wondered.

Barley sighs. He was worried. "Elsa, Kristoff, you're not going like what's happening with Anna." Barley warned.

Ian faces his elder brother. "Barley, is the prince that Anna gets married with soon is Hans?" Ian asks.

Barley shrugs his shoulders at his youngest brother. "Ian, you have to right to call this scene wrong! Prince Hans IS getting married! With Elsa's sister!" He answers in his exclamation.

Kristoff was shocked. "Wait, what?!" He exclaimed in his inquiry.

Elsa extends her arms out. She was surprised. "Where is this taken place?!" Elsa inquires in her exclamation.

Barley was melancholy at Kristoff and Elsa. "Elsa...Your parents remembered Anna...They gave up the kingdom for her..." Barley confirmed.


Note: Sorry about the cliffhanger. I tried to write for fun. And I have succeeded. Thanks, everyone. Thank you for reading.

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