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Kristoff, Varian and Barley only got eighteen hours to find Elsa's sister, the princess. In the Caste of the Dread.

They have searched the five towers.

And no princess in either of them.

The three heroes are disappointed but they don't give up.

Kristoff and Varian goes to Barley's suggestion.

The dungeon.

The three heroes checked the place out.

Still no princess.

Frustrations starts to grow on them.

Kristoff was angry at the elf. "You said the princess is in the dungeon!" He ranted.

Barley was irritated. "Uh, no! I said 'I suggest we go to the dungeon'! There's a difference!" He vented.

Varian was grumpier. "Well wherever SHE IS! The princess is clearly not here!" He argued.

Kristoff frowned. "Forget this." He said.

Varian shook his head. The alchemist goes to the way out of the castle.

Barley was perplexed. "C'mon, you guys! We can't stop now! We just need to keep looking!" He exclaimed.

Kristoff had his hands on his hips. "Where else can we look, Barley?" Kristoff inquired.

The mountain man had enough of craziness, raising his arms in the air. "There's nowhere else to search in this castle. I mean look at this place. It seems to be haunted at some point." Kristoff complained.

Barley surveyed the castle. The elf was more annoyed than ever.

Varian heads to the closed double doors.

Then, something stops the alchemist.

Varian was being bounced backwards by force.

The alchemist perturbs.

Varian was confused. The alchemist blinks his eyes twice. "What?" He inquires.

Varian tried to touch the double doors. But the alchemist got pushed back by the force again.

Varian was panic-stricken. "No..." he whispered.

The alchemist efforts to pull himself to the double doors. But the invisible force pushes him backwards hard.

Varian collapsed on the floor. The alchemist perturbs. Varian has his eyes widened. The alchemist got up. Varian was on his knees. The alchemist stared down at the floor. Varian breathes heavier, like he was getting bad feeling.

Fear struck the alchemist.

Barley and Kristoff dashes to Varian.

Kristoff was concerned. "Varian, you okay?" Kristoff asked, holding Varian's right shoulder.

Barley was concerned too. "Hey, breathe, breathe." He said, holding the alchemist's left shoulder.

Varian couldn't answer Kristoff's question.

The elf's comfort haven't effect on the alchemist.

Varian was gasping in horror.

Kristoff glances at Barley. "What's wrong with him?" Kristoff wondered.

Barley glanced back at Kristoff. "Varian's hyperventilating." Barley replied.

Kristoff was staggered. "Wait, what?" He inquired.

Barley looks at Varian, grasping his left trembling hand. The elf was worried. "Hey, try to relax. Come on, you can do it." Barley reassured.

The alchemist shuts his eyes tight, trying to halt himself from his growing anxiety. Varian whimpers every he let out his rush breaths.

Kristoff was worried too. "In and out, Varian." Kristoff reassures, gripped Varian's right shaking hand.

The alchemist was melancholy, trying again to breathe steadily. Varian gasps awfully from his mouth open.

Barley and Kristoff squeezed Varian's hands. "Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out." They whispered in unison.

The alchemist holds their hands tighter. Varian takes deeper breaths with his eyes closed. The alchemist tried to slow his panicking breaths for every five seconds. The remedy to slower Varian's breathing was working. The alchemist slows down his frantic breathing for a few times.

Varian opened his eyes halfway. The alchemist breathes better yet whimpering for his sudden fear.

Kristoff shakes Varian's right shoulder gently. "Hey." Kristoff said.

The alchemist looked at the mountain man sadly.

Kristoff was compassionate. "What happened?" He wondered.

Varian wavered. The alchemist looks down at the floor. Varian blinked his eyes once. "We're trapped in the castle. It was the sorcerer's doing. We can't escape from here." He replied in his explanation, sounding so pitiful.

Varian clings his left arm.

Barley was mystified yet determined. The elf stands up. "I got this." Barley said, running to the double doors. The elf had his both hands in front of himself, readied to push them open.

Kristoff observed Barley in curiosity.

Varian was scared for the elf. "Barley, wait! No!" Varian screamed.

But it was too late.

When the elf goes near the double doors, Barley got pushed backwards by the invisible force.

The elf falls on his back, sliding to Kristoff and Varian.

They are astonished at Barley.

The elf perturbed in his bother. "Okay, I can see why. We are really stuck in the castle." Barley grunted.

Kristoff sighs. The mountain man was gloomy. "Do you guys want some apples?" Kristoff inquired.

Barley and Varian stared at Kristoff.

They nodded their heads a few times at him.

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