The Villain Finally Defeated

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Barley, Ian, Elsa, Kristoff and Eugene confronted Diablo the evil sorcerer.

Even the villain was really the raven for real, of course, Diablo still has magic powers.

Varian held the platinum pocket watch in his left fist. He concealed it from Diablo.

Barley was grumpy. "You let the princess go. You can't keep holding her captive forever." He argued.

Elsa was more upset than ever. "You made me and the kingdom of Arendelle forget about her! Please, that's my sister you stole from me!" She screamed.

Elsa was on her verge to cry.

Diablo was done with the ridiculous heroes. It was bad enough for beating the giant spiders. But can they take on the evil sorcerer? He stops walking away.

They halted moving forth.

Diablo was disgusted. He faces the fifth spirit. "Do you seriously want to see your sister again, Elsa?" Diablo asked darkly.

The fifth spirit was sorrowful yet resolute. "You tried to trick us. And yet, you don't want heroes to save her." She mentioned.

Elsa furrowed her eyebrows. "I do wanted to see Anna again. And I will see my sister. My REAL sister this time." Elsa answered sternly.

The evil sorcerer looks at his right hand. Then, Diablo looks back at the fifth spirit. "You will see your sister, Elsa..." he utters.

And suddenly...

Diablo waved his right hand at the fifth spirit. He sends his lightning magic at her.

Elsa was stunned.

Kristoff, Eugene, Varian, Barley and Ian are alarmed by Diablo's sneaky trick.

Ian was angry. He thrusted his wooden staff at Diablo. "VOLTAR THUNDASIR!" Ian screams at the top of his lungs.

Kristoff ran and shielded to her by wrapping with his arms.

The elf wizard's thunder magic zaps at Diablo's.

Both of Ian's and Diablo's electric got exploded between them.

The five heroes perturbed from Ian's and Diablo's burst of magic.

Ian made his wizard's stance again at Diablo. "You're making this issue very difficult for us! Now, you tell me where Princess Anna is, or I will use my magic on you!" He vented.

Diablo was outraged. He raises his both arms in the air, attempting to attack again. "You foolish wizard!" Diablo shrieked, cawing at the same time three times.

Ian furrows his eyebrow. He made his deadly stare at Diablo. Ian thrusts his wooden staff at the villain. "PETRIFOR!" He shouted.

Diablo looked at Ian's eyes. Diablo was not afraid.

And after that...

The villain stopped moving.

Diablo was becoming hard as a rock. He got turned into stone...again...

Before Diablo got fractured into rubbles, he shrinks to his smaller size, transfiguring into the raven.

Diablo descends to the stone floor. The raven became fractures into pieces of rubble.

Diablo was gone for good.

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