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Although it was the first day of May and the weather should have been beautiful and warm, it was pouring outside and you had to put on a thick jacket if you wanted to withstand the wind and rain outside.

The gloomy sky showed no sign that the weather would improve any time soon.

Although Diana hated such weather, today she could not erase the smile that covered her whole face. She often stared at the desolated landscape outside, with its trees swaying from side to side in the wind and the rain blowing in the window, as if she was looking at the most beautiful sunrise, on the shore of a calm sea, with emerald-clear waters.

She knew she should focus on what she had to do, but her thoughts simply flew to all the possibilities that would soon be in her way. She was dreaming with her eyes wide open. She saw all her childhood wishes come true, all her teenage dreams and all her plans as an adult woman.

At the age of 29, she was finally getting to where she wanted to all her life.

The only thing that managed to get her out of her reverie was the knock on her apartment door. Someone was knocking hard on the door, ringing the bell and calling out her name.

She hurried to the door, so that the person who was knocking so insistently on her door would not be able to knock it down.

She opened the door and the next second, a tornado of blond hair and long legs rushed into her apartment as if she was out hunting, and the only thing standing between her and the pray was the door to Diana's apartment.

The tornado with blond hair and long legs was none other than her best friend, Andy. She was a gorgeous blonde with blue eyes, impeccable complexion and an enviable body. If you had seen her on the street, you would have stopped for a moment to admire her delicate features and elegant walk. But at the moment, you couldn't find any of this. She looked like an Amazon with a spear in her hand, ready to destroy her enemy. Running around the apartment, looking for this imaginary enemy, without finding him.

This whole scene made Diana burst out laughing and she couldn't stop until Andy glared at her. Andy approached Diana like a whirlwind, grabbed her by the arms, twisted her on all sides to make sure that she wasn't hurt, and asked angrily:

"Why are you laughing? Are you ok? What happened? Are you all right?"

The questions were full of worries for her friend, but the tone, and especially the anger still imprinted in her eyes, made Diana burst out laughing once more.

"Are you crazy?" Andy shouted angrily. "Tell me what happened."

Diana took several deep breaths in order to calm her laughter and said:

" First of all, calm down a little and let's talk. I have a lot to tell you and with you in this state, it will be impossible."

"Calm down?" Andy screamed again. "You've sent me an SOS message. Haven't we decide to send such a message when we are in danger or something serious is happening?"

"I'm not in danger. Something happened but it's not that kind of serious." Diana said, smiling and gently pushing her friend towards the living room couch.

"Sit down. I'll go to the kitchen, make some coffee for both of us, and we'll talk."

Andy, still unsure of what was happening to her friend, pushed her into the kitchen. "Come on! Move your ass. You can make coffee and talk. You don't need hands for talking."

Diana, amused, let herself be guided to the kitchen. However, she stalled for a bit so to give her friend time to calm down and listen to her quietly.

She poured some water in the kettle, turned on the stove, prepared the sugar, coffee, cups, and took the milk out of the fridge.

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