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The next morning, Diana woke up but didn't open her eyes. First, she checked if she had a headache or not. She decided she didn't, so she slowly opened one eye and then the other. Surprisingly, she felt good. She had to thank Jason for that. She was still dressed in what she had on yesterday and she had a bad taste in her mouth, so she decided to take a shower and brush her teeth. She also washed her hair because she had the impression that she had the smell of tequila in her hair.

After getting out of the bathroom, she went to the dressing room, took a pair of thin and loose sweatpants and a top that she used to wear when she felt like running because it had a reinforcement around the breasts. She pulled her towel off her head, combed her tangled hair, and dried it with the towel. Then she headed to the kitchen so she could eat something.

When she entered the living room, she felt the smell of food in the air and immediately raised her head. Jason was in her kitchen and he turned around when he heard her enter.

"Good morning! How do you feel?"

"Morning. I feel good. But have you stayed here?"

"No. I slept in the apartment across the hall and I heard when you woke up. I thought you were hungry after last night's drinking session and I came to make you breakfast. Omelet and bacon are ok for you?"

"Yes. It's perfect. Thanks!" she approached him and hugged him. "Thank you for taking care of me last night. I feel good this morning because of you."

Jason kissed her forehead. "I'll always take care of you."

"Is that a promise?"

"It really is."

"And I promise not to get into the habit of drinking tequila too often."

Jason set her breakfast on the table and pulled out her chair so she could sit down.

"There's a lot of food on this plate, you know?!"

Just then Jason turned with a fork in his hand and sat down on the chair next to Diana, sticking his fork in the omelet. "Then it's a good thing that we're both going to eat." Then put the piece of omelet in his mouth. Diana smiled and began eating.

" Last night I realized that I haven't told you much about wolves and soul mates."

"Then tell me everything I need to know," Diana said, biting into a piece of bacon.

"Theoretically, every man in this world has a soul mate. They can meet or not. This is no different with wolves. What is different in a relationship between a wolf and his soul mate is the intensity of the feelings. When we, wolfs meet our soul mate, we feel a strong connection that she may not feel so intense at first. Yes. She may feel an attraction, a pool towards her mate. But for us wolfs is more than that."

"What do you mean?"

"It's as if the earth suddenly changes its center of gravity and the only thing that keeps us on the ground, is her. Everything attracts us to her: her appearance, her feelings, her way of being and, especially, her smell. Each wolf recognizes his soul mate by her smell first. It's like smelling a piece of heaven."

"Are there wolves who fail to have this connection with their soul mate?"

"No. But, like the relationship between humans, it all depends on how you make her more attracted to you, how you approach her, how you make your relationship have a chance. If you approach her like a hooligan, slamming your fist on the table and saying, 'You're mine from today on', the only result might be her running away from you."

"But if the relationship progresses well, is there a chance that she will ever feel what you feel?"

"Yes. Once you make love to her, there is this possibility. The connection between the two becomes more palpable, stronger than before. But you still have to be careful how you handle the situation. Because that's the turning point. Everything you've built so far can evolve into something beautiful or crumble before your eyes."

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