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The next day, Diana woke up close to noon. After a white night spent with a thousand thoughts per minute, she decided to call the only person in her life who doesn't lie to her at the moment, Andy.

She told her everything that had happened with Jason, Jenny and Smith. She hadn't left out any details. Andy thought, at first, that her best friend had gone mad, but she knew she wasn't the one to make up stories for the sake of drama.

The hours-long discussion, debating each issue separately, gave Diana some clarity on the situation. She decided that, for the time being, it would have been better to draw some border lines for everyone, so that she could make objective decisions.

She managed to fall asleep only at the break of dawn, so she was not surprised when she looked at her watch and saw that it was already noon.

She hadn't eaten anything since lunch with Smith the day before, so now she was hungry like a wolf. "Ironic," she thought.

She decided it would be best to cook for herself, so she could relax.

She quickly made herself an instant coffee, the only one she had in the kitchen drawers, so that she could wake up. She got out on the small balcony overlooking the entrance of the restaurant and enjoy it together with a cigarette.

She took a seat directly on the floor with her back to the glass door. After she finished her coffee and cigarette, she got up, but something caught her eye and she leaned a little over the railing to see what it was all about. It was a mistake. She met Jason's eyes, sitting on his Harley parked in front of the restaurant with his arms resting on the handlebars, and looking up at her. She was stunned for a few moments, but she recovered and retired to her room. She hurriedly pulled on some clothes and went out the back door.

After meeting Jason's gaze, she didn't want to go down to the restaurant's kitchen and meet Jenny's too. It was too early after all that happened.

She just wanted to do some shopping and calmly cook something afterwards.

She didn't even look back as she passed the parking lot on her way to the nearby store.

When she returned, she did the same, though she could feel Jason's gaze following her every move. She just wanted to put on some music and cook. Which she did. She turned the volume up to a mix of rock songs and got to work.

As she let her portion of pasta to cool down so she could eat it, she heard a knock on the door. She tensed a little at the sound. However, she decided not to be a savage and opened the door, but she couldn't find anyone. Instead, she found a note:

Your pastas smell divine. You have to tell me what you put in them. Jenny. P.S.: I'm sorry!

The note made her smile but she decided that it was not yet time to cross the borders that she had imposed on herself last night.

The day passed quickly. She decided to be lazy so that she might gather her strength for what was to come. She watched some movies, talked to Andy for a while, then prepared her clothes for the next day.

She did her best not to think about Jenny and especially about Jason. She couldn't explain why she was so bothered by what he had done. It wasn't as if he had to trust her instantly. He didn't know her. And neither did she known him. She shouldn't have felt so hurt by his actions. She really shouldn't have cared. But the thing that always bothered her the most, that made her furious even, was the fact that she had been wrongfully trialed and accused. That's how she felt now.

She didn't know what was worse, the fact that Jason hadn't even given her the benefit of the doubt at first, assuming the worst about her, and his behavior accordingly. Or, the fact that she was attracted to him from the beginning.

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