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It was a difficult week for Jason. Nothing prepared him for the frustration he felt because he couldn't touch or feel Diana closer to him. They had to keep the distance between them, in public. He understood Diana's idea very well, but that didn't mean he wouldn't want things to be different. To be able to shout out loud how much he loves her, without the fear that this could reach Smith's ears. He had to end this seven-faced monster once and for all in order to have the woman of his life by his side.

On Thursday, at noon, they all received a group message from Andy.

I finished the translations and deciphered some more stuff. See you at 6pm.

"Finally!" Jason thought. He was already at Diana's door at 5:30 p.m. She opened the door and pulled him inside, locking the door behind him.

"I was hoping you would come earlier. We have time." She pressed his back against the door, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him with all the passion she felt at that moment, boiling in her. Jason responded to her passion with the same passion. He felt like a thirsty man in the desert who had finally found water and was now drinking it to his heart's content. He grabbed her by her bottom to lift her in his arms and noticed that she was wearing only a light summer dress, without panties and without a bra, from what he could feel. The blood in his veins began to boil at this finding. He sat with her in his arms on the couch, without interrupting their kiss. He lifted her a little so that he could open his slit and lowered her on his already hard member. They both groaned at this contact and Diana began to move up and down frantically. Jason pushed down the hem of her dress and pressed his mouth to her breast. Diana leaned her head back, moaning, not slowing down. At this brisk pace, they both reached orgasm fairly quick and violently. Diana hugged Jason tightly so she could stop the trembling she felt all over her body and he kissed her shoulder.

"I've missed you too," he said, smiling.

Diana lifted her head from his shoulder and smiled at him, "I think I'm developing a new addiction and it's only your fault if I become a nymphomaniac."

"What you're saying sounds really good. This gives me the opportunity to lock you inside and keep you all to myself. Imagine how good we would be together: food, sex and a little sleep. That's all a man can dream of."

"Ha-ha, you're very funny." She got up slowly from him and went to the bedroom, "I'm going to get some panties and then we're going to Andy's."

When they've got to Andy, Jenny was there too.

"Okay, now that the whole gang has gathered, we can start," Andy said, closing the apartment door behind them.

"You are very eager to share and I see you're quite happy. Do I get that what you have to share is good?" Diana asked, sitting down on the couch and pulling Jason beside her.

"I'm just happy to be able to finish with these torturous translations and I finally managed to compose the puzzle. My detective friend also helped me a little. Especially with the legal terms that I didn't understand, so that I could figure out what it was all about. You have the translations on the table," Diana looked on the coffee table in front of the couch. There were really quite a few sheets scattered on it. "If you want, you can read them too, in case I missed any details, which I don't really believe. But I'll give you a summary anyway." She paused and looked at her friend, "Diana, if it's too much for you, at some point, you tell me and I'll stop."

"It shouldn't be hard for me. These people are practically strangers to me. So, don't worry about me. It's going to be like telling me about a new Detective novel."

"Okay." She was a little bit scared for Diana. Even if she had heard what she said, in the end it might not be as easy as a Detective novel.

"Smith's story actually begins with Ion Simion, born in Bucharest, Romania on July 7, 1967..."

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