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The week passed painfully slow for Diana. Every day she wanted to run into Jason's arms and tell him everything. The only thought that stopped her in doing so, was the thought that she will endanger him if she does so. If Smith had even the faintest idea of what was going on between her and Jason, there was no telling what he might do. Maybe he would have spared her, considering that he had a purpose for her. But he certainly wouldn't have spared Jason. So, she focused on what she had to do. She dedicated herself to her work and that was obvious.

Then Smith began to train her, too. He gave her information about the company and what else he was doing, little by little. He pretexted that he wants her to help him with some ideas for training people from other companies, given the very good results she has brought in this company. Diana suspected the real reason, but let things flow by themselves.

One day she heard Smith asking her directly.

"What's your deal with Jason?"

"Who?" Diana asked, lifting her guard up at the same time.

"He's that tall, long-haired guy who keeps coming to Jenny's restaurant."

" Oh, that one. What can it be? He's a loyal customer of Jenny's and from what I understand he's a mechanic or something like that. It's good to befriend a mechanic. Especially for me, cause I'm a moron when it comes to cars. I wouldn't be able to change a tire even if my life depended on it." She laughed.

"Yes. You don't think bad at all. You make connections on all levels and use them as needed. A real businessman."


On Friday afternoon, just as she was preparing to leave, she got herself another aproach from Smith.

"Do you have any plans for the weekend?"

"No. I'm just trying to get some rest for a new week."

"I would like you to postpone this rest for a while, at least for a day. Do you think you could do that?"

"What do you mean?"

"I need some urgent ideas about a new project, which I would like to discuss with you. I have the plans at home so we can see each other tomorrow at noon. We eat something and we'll talk all about it. What do you say?"

"Yes. No problem."

"Thank you, Diana! See you tomorrow."

In her car, she quickly wrote a message to Jenny.

Tomorrow at noon I have to be at Smith's place so he can show me the plans for a new project. It's bull shit all day long, but I'll be on guard.

I think you should ask Jason to give you some of his men with you. As a precaution

No way. It will get his attention and I don't want that. He would be capable to come and break his neck himself. In addition, I have the feeling that a revelation will come from Smith. Not an attack on me.

The next morning, Diana woke up with Jenny and Andy knocking at her door.

Without further ado, the girls entered the apartment and sat down on the couch.

"So, what's the plan?" Jenny asked, placing a three-cup carton of coffee on the coffee table.

"Good morning to you too," Diana muttered, rubbing her eyes. "You could let me drink my coffee first."

"Why do you think I brought these cups of coffee?" Jenny points to the coffee on the table. "You can smoke here too because you are in your own house. Come on! Sit your ass down and talk."

DianaWhere stories live. Discover now