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The next morning, Diana woke up feeling shivers down her spine. She was sleeping on her belly, with a pillow in her arms, and beside her, on the bed, laid Jason, who was sitting with his head resting in one hand, looking tenderly at her and stroking her back with his fingertips.

"Good morning, beautiful!"

"Good morning, lover!" Diana smiled at him, turning to one side.

"That endearment sounds good coming from your mouth," Jason said, stroking her face and going down to her bare breast. Diana's nipple hardened instantly. "I like the way your body responds to my touch."

Diana stretched out her arms to grab Jason by the neck and bring him closer to her. "And what else do you like?"

"I like your beautiful eyes that finish me off with just one look. Your beautiful face with skin as soft as a child's," he caresses her face with the back of his fingers, "your hair that looks like fire in the sunlight," he ran a hand through her hair, "your body like a goddess," he ran his hand down her ribs, abdomen and lowered it between her legs, slowly inserting a finger into her, "and I like how wet you are, just for me." He kissed her, lifting his ass off the bed so he could pull the sheet off of her. He pulled his finger out of her and slipped himself between her legs. He lowered his kiss, gently grasping the soft skin of her neck with his teeth, without biting. He kissed both her breasts, his tongue playing with her nipples. Each area he kissed brought him a new muffled moan from Diana. When he reached the sensitive area between her legs, Diana clenched the sheets in her hands and arched her back. Jason stuck his tongue inside her and then licked her clit.

Diana could no longer resist the feeling, "Jason, I want you inside of me."

Jason laid a few more kisses on his way to her mouth, "You're driving me crazy," he said before kissing her and suddenly entering her. He paused for a moment to see her reaction. Then they started moving again at a brisk pace, until they both reached orgasm again. He collapsed on her and hugged her tightly. "I can't stop wanting you. You are like a drug that I want more and more in my veins, every time I hear you moaning and I feel you tightening around me. I don't want to stop."

"We'll have to stop," Diana said, smiling. Jason raised his head so he could look at her. "Because I'm hungry."

Jason smiled. He slowly pulled out of her and moved besides her, leaning on his arm. "It's good then. Cause I made breakfast."

Diana jumped out of bed, picked up Jason's T-shirt from the floor, and pulled it on, then walked toward the kitchen, shouting at Jason on her way there, "If you would've said that from the beginning, we wouldn't have had dessert first."

Jason pulled his boxers on and ran after her but caught her when she had already reached the kitchen table. He hugged her and bit the piece of bacon that Diana was already holding in her hand.

"I prefer dessert before any meal."

After breakfast was over, Diana got up from her chair so she could put the plate in the sink and heard a ping on the phone, a sign that she had received a message.

She had a message from Jenny on her phone:

I'm going up to Andy's. You'll find me there when you're ready to go

Give us 20 minutes and we're there

"In 20 minutes, we should be at Andy's. Jenny is there waiting for us so we can leave together. I'm going to take a shower." She announced to Jason.

"I'm coming too."

"No. If you come with me to the shower, we'll leave at lunch. So be a good boy and wash the dishes." She rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind her so that Jason couldn't come in after her.

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