I hate you (edited)

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Pic of Luke above

I waked up and seen that i wasn't in my room and everything came crashing at me. I looked at the light window that was barded up on the wall. I started to look around and spotted 3 doors.

I walked slowly up to one of the doors and turned the door nob it was unlocked. Lucky guess? Wait I might be able to escape.

I know what happen yesterday but I want to go home!

I looked around and found my shoes. I put them on and was being as quite as possible. I open the door and ran outside.

I was then in the woods and suddenly I heard yelling in the house. I was a but farther in the woods but I heard foot steps behind me.

I looked around and seen a ditch.

I was about to go by it but hands wrapped around my wast."Please stop, HELP ME SOM-"I was cut off.

"Stop yelling, I don't want to hurt you!" I stopped yelling scared of what would happens if I kept screaming. I tried my hardest to calm down but all I felt was tears going down my face. I miss my hole life I had. Why me, Why me.

Luke brought me back to the house. "YOU ARE NEVER TO LEAVE THIS HOUSE, YOU ARE TO MARRY ME AND I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO" he yelled thinking I was going to agree to this! He'll to the no!


That ass, he fucking slapped me, who does he think he is. Telling me what I have to do. I looked up at him and his eyes were full of guilt.

"Faith i'm sorry, you just made me mad."I didn't say a word all I did was go to 'my' room. Me? I did not make him fucking do that! Thy was all on him!


I can't believe that I just slapped her. I mean I promised my mom I would never slap a girl, and I broke it.I went and told one of my friends girlfriend to go shopping for our wedding. The wedding is in 3 weeks or 1. All I wanted to do was get everything off my mind.


I woke up and I seen someone. She looked at me. "Your wedding dress is in your closet" Wait he wasn't kidding. I have to get out of here, and fast.

I know this chapter was short but I didn't know what to write for this chapter, I really didn't like this one but if you do tell me and vote.


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