It cant be

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Pic of Jake above

I stared at Jake then it came to me..." JAKE!" He looked at me like I was crazy then his face changed.

"Faith....?!" He stood up and walked towards me. " I-i can't explained how much I missed you and were you have been the past 7 months. 

"I missed you to... But...." I started to say.

" But what?" He said looking into my eyes.

I looked down. "I was forced to-to get married..." I whispered and then looked up and seen that he was freaking pissed. We were dating and at school we were the cutest couple at school, then I got kidnapped and everything changed.

I still love him, and right now o don't know if I still like Luke.

"What the hell is going on!" Yelled my brother.

"We're dating, well use-" I has then cut off by Jake. 

"We're dating!" He yelled.

"And I'm just finding out about this now!?" Andy asked.

I then nodded. i felt really bad for not telling him, but he was always gone so...

"I'm sorry-" I was about  to say something but then I was cut off.

"No wonder there was no other girl there!" Andy exclaimed. I lifted my eye  brow confused. Any looked at me."Oh  yeah, Jake told me about his girl-you- being kidnapped. And I went their I got captured and then I figured out you were their."He said.  I nodded and then my glazed went to Jake,

"Y-you were looking for me?" I asked. I wasn't that surprise because we were dating!

"Of course's I was, and I was never going to give up on finding you Faith. I love, and I'll never stop loving you." After he said that I felt tear's going down my face. He came closer and I hugged him. I heard someone  cough. I let go and turned to see Andy.

"We have a problem......Luke." I then looked at Jake and seen a concerned face. I new that  I would have to go back. But, i really didn't want to.

"Couldn't i just stay here?" I asked. Jake's face then lighted up.

"Yeah she could just stay here!" He yelled while smiling.

"She  could...but Luke know's were we  live."  Andy said sadly. I then had an idea.

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