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The light was blindingly bright when I woke up.
I was sitting in the middle of... a huge puddle?
It was still a bit blurry when I looked around.
The sun was shining in an orange-yellow sky. It was quiet, nothing could be heard. A dizzy feeling came over me as I sat up. Reflexively I held my head, shaking it briefly to awaken my sense of balance. My gaze fell into emptiness.
There was water everywhere as far as my eyes could see. A blue ocean reflecting the colors of the sky.
A question immediately shot through my still aching skull.
"Why can I stand in the middle of the water?"
It was a mystery to me. In theory and in practice, this was not possible.
I carefully knelt down, not taking my eyes off the ocean. I touched it with my gloved hand.
It was supposed to be swallowed, but like solid ground it kept my hand from going in.
I continued to be overwhelmed with thousands of questions that I could not answer.
"Who am or was I?"
"What is this place?"
"Why am I here?"
"How did I get here?"
I had no memories. Kind of like a blackout.
After several minutes of thinking, I started taking one step at a time. My shoes touched the apparently liquid surface uncertainly. A small 'splat' sound was heard as I fully lowered my foot and distributed my weight over it.
A cold shiver ran down my spine when I thought about being torn down if I took just one wrong step.
At first I wanted to wait, but nothing happened. But then I saw something in the sky. I narrowed my eyes to see what it was. But before I could see it, it was gone.

"Run!" I heard a voice from everywhere at once.
"Who's there!" I snapped, holding my hands up ready to fight. But I didn't get an answer. If it had been a normal situation in the city, I wouldn't have cared. However, this was anything but 'normal'.
It came from everywhere again. I looked around frantically.
My pulse increases, the blood in my veins shot through my entire body.
"What am I supposed to run from!?" I called, not expecting an answer. But I was wrong. Through the mirror-like surface I saw the outline of a creature. Below me it shot through the ocean. Something was chasing it.
The water first turned from the cyan blue liquid to a black sticky mass that only seemed to bubble with darkness. The sky also changed color. It was no longer orange-yellow, but turned a dark to almost ultramarine blue.
I could almost feel my adrenaline rushing through my body. I was breathing frantically, unable to move.
"Run! Hurry up."
This time, following the stranger's advice, I snapped out of my shock and ran after the creature.
At that moment I didn't care what I was running from. I knew it was dangerous enough not to question it further.
The wind blew against my clothes and fur. It was freezing cold, but the heat I produced from running made up for it.
I kept running. My heart seemed to be beating faster by the minute. It was probably because of running and knowing that I had to run faster or else this darkness would get to me.
Panting, I gazed across the surface of the sea. The strange creature also seemed out of breath as it slowed down.

The dark liquid seemed to be playing a game of cat and mouse with us. However, this ended when it decided to conquer the entire surface of the sea. The blue shimmering water became viscous and slimy. It clung to me, trying to take more of my body, to devour it.
I fought against it with all my power, broke free one last time and ran on.
Sweat ran down my forehead, cooling my body.
As I kept running, I looked behind me and saw black mist coming out of the slime.
Disgusting, I thought and continued on my way. Yet somehow I knew that there was no point in continuing.
It was exactly at the same moment that I felt a strong breeze on my back. This gust of wind blew the mist towards me. I couldn't run away from fast enough. It surrounded me, seeming to pollute and stick together my lungs. I coughed loudly, struggling painfully for oxygen.
I got dizzy again. My legs buckled and I fell to my knees.
They immediately sank into the mass as if it were a bog. The lower my body sank, the colder and darker it became around me.
It didn't take long for the last part of my body to sink. Before that happened, I took another deep breath of the mist, resisting the reflex of coughing so as not to lose the last bit of oxygen from my lungs.

Everything was pitch black around me. I tried to move, but my progress was slow. I couldn't see anything
While I was good at holding my breath, I found I wasn't going to hold out much longer and was about to drown.
But then I noticed something. A green glow emanated from my chest. I reached for the light and pulled out a green pendant in the shape of a diamond. Something told me I've seen it before.
The light shone brightly, making it easier for me to see something. It was no longer so difficult for me to move in this. I was trying to escape the black sea of ​​slime, swimming to the surface when I heard a hiss.
A few meters away from me I recognized a slight red glow. They were red, dangerously glowing eyes. The creature!
I looked at it in confusion and it looked back.
With an effort I swam towards it. I couldn't see it clearly, it was too dark for that. The only thing I saw were the eyes. They were slit-shaped, a fixed, dangerous gaze, but something about him also seemed familiar and warm.
A few air bubbles rose to the top, then disappeared.
I understood immediately what had just happened, my instincts took control of my actions. I swam forward, searching and grabbing the other's arm.
I didn't know what gave me the courage or the recklessness when I gave him my necklace.
Only then did I realize how slowly I was running out of breath. A painful feeling spread in my lungs. A kind of cramp. I tried desperately to resist this need to breathe in, but I couldn't. The thick liquid entered my chest through my mouth. I coughed hard, my vision becoming increasingly blurred. I got cold, infinitely cold.
Then I hardly noticed anything except the arms that were gently closed around me and the glow of my pendant and the red eyes.

_    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _

25-15-21; 3-1-14; 14-15-20; 5-19-3-1-16-5; 25-15-21-18; 6-1-20-5!

Legend of the juwels (Sonic Monster AU/ Knuxadow AU) [English]Where stories live. Discover now