Chapter 1: Welcome to the magical world

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"Beep, beep, beep, beep!"
'That's a weird chirping... So shrill and unpleasant' thought the hedgehog while he was still tossing and turning in his bed. He was still traveling in a dream, but those damn noisy birds bothered him! No matter how much he wanted to ignore them, it just wasn't working!
He slowly realized what was happening. Tired and annoyed, he turned off his digital alarm clock and got out of bed towards the shower. His tousled spikes bobbed with every step he took. Yawning, he grabbed a light blue hoodie, matching jeans and white socks from the closet, darted into the bathroom and pulled the shower curtain closed. The icy water pounded his body, raising his pulse a little. He had always prefered cold showers. Hot showers were not good for his fur. After attending to his fur and spines trimmings, he hopped out of the shower area wide awake, rubbing both his fur and prickly spikes on his head with a towel until they were dry. After that, he just tended to his spikes, combing them until they looked the same as ever. They were still untidy, but it couldn't have been neater. They pretty much did whatever they wanted. Besides, they would be messed up again after today's class, he was sure of that.
When everything was as he wished, he ran down the stairs, grabbed his suitcase and made his way to the bus stop. Normally he would jog or sprint, but on the first day of school he was far too tired and unmotivated to walk to school. He barely got on the bus and looked around for his friends. Above all, he was looking for a very specific one. He sat in the last row and, like on other days, kept a seat free for him. Happily, Sonic sat down next to him. "Hey Tails," he greeted the two-tailed fox boy and gave him a fistbump.
"Hello, Sonic." He seemed just as pleased to see his friend again. The two had been friends since elementary school. Back then, the blue-eyed one had been laughed at by a few other foxes because of his weirdness. A second tail was just one of the reasons. The second was that he, like Sonic, was 'different' from normal Mobians and has been since birth. Back then, the little fox found it difficult to really be himself, had trust problems and suffered from panic attacks. But today they stopped coming, thanks to his psychologist and his best friend. Tails was more than grateful for that.
Since then they have been a well-rehearsed team, enjoyed spending time together and shared a room at the boarding school.
Sonic had already said goodbye to his mother the night before because she had to get up early in the morning. His siblings Sonia and Manic had already left and took the bus a little earlier.
It seemed to both of them that the holidays had started the day before yesterday and ended yesterday. Not that they would mind studying together in the building again, on the contrary. They really had fun. And if they didn't have it, they made sure of it. Although it was difficult for them to only be able to visit their families during the holidays or for a short time on the weekends.
The two had been going to this boarding school since last summer and both had to admit that interesting subjects were taught that they had never experienced in other schools. Mathematics and religion were only secondary subjects here. This school had enlightened them about themselves in their first year, telling exactly what they were, what made them so different from the others. This building was a meeting place and retreat for all Mobians and non-Mobians who were 'weird' like them. Here they weren't considered monsters, but treated like everyone else. There was no one making fun of his abilities or bullying. Of course there was a lot of stress at school from time to time, but it was always quickly dealt with by the students or teachers. That was one of the most important rules at school: Support each other. Anyone who did not comply or caused chaos was punished immediately. This mostly with suspension or social detention.
"What you did do in your holidays? I've hardly heard from you.« the hedgehog asked with interest. They had met once at the beginning of the holidays, after that the rest had been sending just text messages. Tails was very excited. He couldn't wait to tell Sonic everything he had experienced.
"Ohhh I was on holiday with my mother in France. I don't even know what to tell you first." He had to laugh briefly. "I tested my skills at the Eiffel Tower and caused a small sandstorm." Sonic stared at him in astonishment and was about to say that it would have been dangerous for other people and himself, but the yellow one immediately put his hands up. "Don't worry. It wasn't a strong gust. Nobody was blown away, injured and nobody noticed that I was the cause." he assured and snorted briefly with laughter. "You should have seen their faces. They might have looked funny. The fox's joy also brought a smile to Sonic's face. He elbowed him gently. "I would have loved to have understood what they said in their language . Must have been fun to listen to." He grinned. The idea of masses of people speaking a language he didn't understand and pronouncing some words oddly was just too funny. "You bet on it. Achem..." He cleared his throat briefly then to demonstrate a sentence in French in a disguised voice. "Ah, qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est du sable D'où vient cela?!" He laughed. "That actually means: 'Oh, what is that? It's sand! Where did that come from?!' They were shouting really loud all over the place. I took my Miles Electric with me to hear what they were saying and I couldn't stop myself from laughing."

Legend of the juwels (Sonic Monster AU/ Knuxadow AU) [English]Where stories live. Discover now