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   another mission

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   another mission. you were beginning to feel like shield wasn't paying you enough to fix earth's messes. aliens were falling from the sky this time, some god said it was the result of his brother. you weren't even sure there was one god let alone norse ones too. you were left stranded and confused with everything going on around you.

there was nothing "special" about you. per say you didn't have superhuman strength, a tin can costume, a green side, and you weren't a god. clint and natasha were the only ones remotely like you and they were still different. you were just a field nurse, nothing more, nothing less. but you had one thing in common with tony stark, and that was being a flirt to anyone that breathed. so of course you took it upon yourself, to perhaps win over the biggest prize in the room.

"So Natasha... I know your not interested in this, neither am I. I hear a combat closet calling our name."


"You crazy motherfucker, I'm in."

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