January 10, 2001: Let's Go Camping!

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9 days after their parents left them.. 

"Solar! Could you call Astraea, Steady Blue, Brian, and Ima to tell them we're going now?" Lilac called from the staircase. "Sure! GUYS GUYS!! GET IN THE CAR WE'RE GOING NOW!!!" Solar yelled. Afterwards, footsteps approached the car, and they were in the car now. "Solar, go talk to them! I'll get everything ready!" "Alright, Lilac! Anyway, do we have everything we need?" "Yeah!!" They said in unison. 

5 minutes later.. 

"You guys comfy?" Lilac spoke in a soft tone. "I have my plushies and everything!!" Steady Blue replied. "I have my computer charger." "That's nice Brian.. I brought my fridge, my clothes, the freezer, my bed, Mcdonalds, and 10 dollars!" Ima then replied. "Why does he have so many things..?" Astraea wondered. "Alright, we'll probably get to the campsite 12 hours from now.. So everyone, get comfy!" Lilac announced. 

1 AM

As Lilac drove through the empty road, the loud chatter of the kids in the back filled the street. "GUYS LOOK AT MY PLUSHIES!!!" "I BROUGHT MCDONALDS!" "I HAVE MY COMPUTER!" "QUIET!" Lilac yelled. "CANT YOU GUYS BE QUIET FOR ONE SECOND? TAKE A NAP OR SOMETHING." They all nodded in unison.

2 AM - 3 AM

As Lilac approached the outer area of the city, all of the kids were sleeping. Lilac then realized that shes scared of silence. So she turned up the radio, and put her music CDs in. 

"Hito no kado ni shinjinai you ni aisanai you ni kitai shinai you ni, ka to itte kado ga tatani you nikidoranu you ni medatuna you ni.."

The music was so japanese that Solar started turning into google translate and woke up the others.

4 AM - 7 AM

The stars filled the sky, slowly fading as it  turned day. 

"Hey guys, wanna see what I can do?" Astraea whispered. "Sure!" Everyone agreed. Astraea took out her Nerf  Sniper Gun. 

Aimed it at the mirror.. 

She missed.

Blood started leaking from Lilac's head.

"I'm okay!" Lilac told them.

Nobody said a word till 8 AM hit. It was all quiet. 

8 AM - 12 PM

They chattered and spoke and discussed all about their imaginary versions of themselves.. The Forcefields! Steady Blue was just Steady Blue, Crimson was Crazy Red, a computerhead kiddo, Ima had like four ideas, Impossible Orange, Abstract, Overdrive Purple, and Mysterious Black. Astraea was Ultrasensory Violet. Solar didn't talk at all, since she was Mad Magenta and thats what she does. be quiet as heck. "Kids! We're here!" Lilac called out!

They were finally at the campsite.

What will they do, you may ask? I don't know! Haha, I just make the story when I feel motivation. Chapter End. (also would be WAAAY longer but its 10:34 pm and i have choir till 4:30 tommorow)

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