Chapter 2 - I have friends now?

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The school day went slowly and I couldn't wait to escape the stares I could feel pressing in on me. I felt relieved when we were dismissed for lunch, I grabbed my food and sat at the empty table hoping to hide from the prying eyes, unfortunately I was spotted and soon joined by every girl in class 1-A plus a few of the boys. The tall girl with black hair in a ponytail from before introduced herself, her name was Momo Yaoyorozu, though I knew that since Shoto had said it at the start of class. She then introduced all the other girls to me, there was a cute girl with a brown bob called Uraraka, a frog-like girl called Tsuyu Asui but she asked me to just call her Tsuyu, there was a girl with earphone aux chords handing beside her ears, her name Jiro. The next girl I was introduced to was a pink girl called Mina and an invisible girl called Hagakure. They seemed nice enough then I was introduced to the boys that had come over with the girls Kirishima, Denki and Iida. I was still wary of all of them because I hadn't made friends since I was in kindergarten. They talked about their quirks explaining how each of them worked for me and I was highly interested in Iidas quirk, to me he was the coolest. Then a question came up I hoped people wouldn't bother to ask.

"Hey Y/N what's your quirk?" Asked the spikey red-haired boy called Kirishima.

I cursed him in my mind but kept my face calm even though my palms were beginning to sweat.

"Uh well, it's not one I can show you. I could explain it I guess" I feel silent but they waited for me to elaborate.

"So basically, uh...It's called nightmare it's exactly what you would think it is. I can create realistic nightmares that I can trap people sort like a shift in that specific persons reality. It is actually real but only to them if that makes any sense. I can vary the time and severity sorta like how Uraraka controls her quirk. The problem was as I kid I couldn't control it and I made....a lot of mistakes" i trailed off my voice getting quieter as I realise I was rambling.

There was silence, the anxiety start creeping in as the silence continues, 'I knew this would happen everyone things I'm a freak an abomination, the probably regret coming over and talking to me'. My mind is filled with overwhelming thoughts.

"That's cool!" Shouted the boy called Denki

"Yeah that's so cool!" Said Kirishima my mouth fell open

"Wait you're not freaked out? At all?" I was shocked most kids ran away screaming when I told them

"Yes that would indeed be very effective in combat to get your enemy out of the way as quickly as possible they would be rendered useless" the boy named Iida was muttering to himself.

"Hey could you show me?" asked Denki with way too much excitement that didn't seem appropriate for what I had just said
"Sorry, what?! Um, I don't think that's a good idea" I protest

I didn't trust myself enough not to scar him for life.

"Don't worry ill be ok, I trust you" Denki says in an attempt to reassure me.

I stopped breathing 'I trust you. I trust you. Those are tree words noone has ever said that to me.

"Yeah come on Y/N you can do it" Mina said again with excitement that seemed way to out of preportion.  Her giddy optimism was killing me. They had just met me and already they trusted me not to possibly kill their friend, if his worst fear was something major or if I lost control and couldn't stop it to save him. He would die. 'Breathe' I thought in a foolish attempt to calm myself 'You've got this'

"Ok fine. Denki come I kinda need to hold your hand. that ok" Denki went a bit stiff at this red creeping up to his cheeks.

"U-um ok" he stammers slightly nervous. Kirishima nudged him in the arm and gave him an obvious wink. He held out his hand and I took it in my own, another part of the process I forgot to mention was looking people in the eyes.

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