Chapter 13 - Miss me?

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When I escaped with Bakugo and Midoria the night the league captured me, I memorised the route we took to get back to UA.

At the time I didn't realise why, I thought I was just paranoid about getting caught by someone, just being observant, I didn't really know. But I know subconsciously it was because I wanted to find my way back.

I eventually made it to the crumbling building, I could see they had somehow fixed the huge hole in the wall Bakugo had made. I walk to the door and a smile plays up on my face. This dilemma I've never had before. Do I knock on the door or kick it down.

I choose the more violent option.

With all my force I kick the door. It bangs open and I walk in the smile still on my face. Confidence flows through my gains like it never has before.

Inside I see Toga, Shiggaraki, Twice and Touya they are sitting around the room. Shiggarkai sits at the bar with a cup of...something I can't tell. Twice and Toga are playing Uno and Touya is sitting in the opposite corner clearly brooding. None of them seem to be surprised at all, except for Twice.

"Welcome back it's nice to see you again" " You came back?!" "your scary" he blurts out, guess he's more than twice now.

"Nice to see you too twice" he starts talking again but I don't listen because Toga has just thrown one of her knives at me, I catch it but only just. I throw it back at her, the throw is poor but hits its target, Toga catches it and sheathes it again, wherever the hell she keeps it, she giggles and hides her face behind her hands

"It's nice to see you Y/N".

"Pleasure as always" I smirk back at her

Touya doesn't look at me, but I assume that's because of some inner turmoil he's had while I've been gone.

Shiggaraki puts down his glass and walks over to me. His frame is small and skinny but he towers over me with height to spare which is slightly unnerving but I stand my ground.

"Hey Shiggy" I say looking up at his masked face, the smirk on my face is only half-ass because he is quite a confronting sight.

"I knew you would come back, there was no reason for you to stay with those 'heroes', I also saw that little stunt you pulled." There was amusement in his voice and my smile grows. He saw what I did and doesn't think I fucked up.

"Yeah thought it might be necessary to get a message across to my 'friends'". Tghe last word was full of contempt, I didn't even mean to say it that way. Guess I am full of more hatred for them than I realised.

I can feel the monster, inside of me, stirring, fueled by my emotions. I keep it in though, I can't repeat what happened last time otherwise they might find me too detrimental and dispose of me.

Shiggaraki turns and walks back to the bar.

"Welcome to the league". my heart fills with elation, finally I've been accepted into a place I belong, not like UA where I had to try and fit in.

At this point I'm ready to do anything to help the league. I firmly believe in their cause and I want to see this dream become a reality.

Twice starts talking again

"It's great to have you on the team" "Why was it so easy for her to get in".

God he is aggravating, can't he just shut up, no one needs his opinion every five seconds. before I can think of something to say to defend myself, Touya stands up abruptly

"Because Twice, I know I can trust her and Shiggaraki trusts my judgement even if he doesn't trust me" he glares at Twice and sits down again. Twice sits back down in his seat and mumbles grumpily to himself.

"So Shiggy you gonna make it official!?" Toga asks squealing with excitement.

"We'll do something to make it official soon, we don't have any time now, but unofficially she is one of us"

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