Chapter 10 - Will you join us?

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I come back into the present day and I'm looking at Touya he's panting but still holding onto me not diverting his eyes from my gaze

"Kurogiri get her into the restraints!" Shiggaraki shouts

Kurogiri rushes over and picks up my limp body, I don't even attempt to fight back as I'm still shaken from my sudden flashback. Shiggaraki who is panting, motions to Kurogiri who flows him behind the bar and through an adjacent door.

I'm left alone with Touya, he walks over to stand by me.

"What do you think they're talking about? the best way to kill me or the best way to use me?" I say jokingly, he grins slightly and turns to look at me placing his hands in his pockets

"50/50" he says casually

"I think, he thinks you might be useful. That was the whole point of kidnapping you. He wants to recruit you".

'He wants to recruit you' but why me? He had no idea that I was related to Touya, and they had only had knowledge of my 'existence' at the training camp when they captured Bakugo, so why was I special?

"PATCHWORK GET IN HERE!" Shiggaraki shouts from the room behind that bar.

Without hesitating, he strides to the door and enters not looking back at me. Hours go by and I try to listen to the muffled conversation going on behind the door. People voices fad in and out of the conversation and occasionally there is some yelling. I catch pieces of dialogue like: 'She could' and 'possibly not' and 'dangerous'.

Even though I can't hear the whole conversation I can tell what they are talking about. My recruitment.

Eventually, Shiggaraki re-enters the room. "Oh, your still here" he says I can practically see the sarcasm dripping from his mouth.

"I see your supposed friends didn't swoop in and save you like the little heroes they're aspiring to become."

I don't say anything to his snarky remark but I know he can see the doubt in my face. He turns away from me  looking at something on the adjacent wall, before turning back around. The expression on his face changes drastically in the second he turned. He now looked sympathetic

"Dabi or Touya as you know him, filled me in on your life. All of us here have obviously been through something like that, how else would. We get together in this state. But who said we don't deserve it. To be looked upon like filthy freaks and treated like we're not human too, like a disease."

What he say echoed through my head as he continues.

"You've seen it haven't you, seen people look at you with disgust masked in their faces, feel them glare at you and scrutinise you as you walk pass?" I look him in the eyes now. His red but cold dead eyes.

The corners of his mouths raise as if seeing my brain working.

Everything he said was true.

Everything he said was right.

He knows what this is like, he's lived this shit, and that much is obvious.

I opinion of the 'villains' has changed.

"So what if that's happened to me, so what if I feel the same?" I refuse to falter so easily.

I still believe in my friends

I do.

Don't I?

He stare at me as if he can hear my thinking

"I know they'll..." but my voice falters.

They wouldn't have taken this long, it took mere hours to save Bakugo. Thoughts begin racing around my head, 'they don't think I'm worth saving', 'they believe I would be turned easily because of what I am', 'they think I'm a monster'.

Randomly the blonde girl that tried to slit my throat walks in and does a little twirl

"Hey Shiggaraki whatcha doing? OH hiya Y/N" she giggles slightly and I see little fangs slip out from under her top lip.

Rather than being pissed off by the intrusion, Shiggaraki seems to have had a light bulb moment.

"Toga, I want you to tell Y/N what brought you here, to join the league"

Toga looks plainly at Shiggaraki as she begins to talk.

"Well, Stainy was my biggest inspiration because he had ideals I admired and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep his ideas in the light, to have them burn on no matter what, but Shiggaraki gave me the means to carry out my own ideals. You know I just wanna live in a world where people like us can actually have a life a real one"

She pulls a knife out of nowhere and throws it, on impact it makes a loud twang sound, hitting the wood back of my restraints, right next to my face.

"I just want a world where I can live as me" she finishes and smiles even wider at me.

There was something almost adorable in her manic yellow orbs for eyes, I shook that thought from my mind and looked back at Shiggaraki.

I could tell that the expression on my face had softened but I made no attempt to reshuffle it. I think about what she said, and I realise that everything was right, there is no place in the world for people like us, so why shouldn't we try fix it ourselves.

Shiggaraki scowls at toga.

"Ok psycho now you can fuck off, go talk to patchwork or something"

She doesn't look back at us as she skips off. I sit there not saying a thing staring at my restrained hands thinking everything over, my life, my past choices, what toga said, what shiggaraki said, and what could happen in the future depending on the path I took right now.

I can feel Shiggaraki staring at me. I raise my head, I open my mouth to speak but I don't get the chance to say anything because a loud explosion goes off in the wall on the other end of the bar followed by a


That can only be Bakugo. I see his black and orange figure through the dust puffing up around the debris, behind him I see Midoria his arm looking a bit wrecked, he must've tried to take on a villain that was outside single-handed

"Kacchan go get Y/N!"  Midoria yells as he goes to attack Touya. I want to cry out for him not to attack but I feel conflicted.

I decide it's best to stay silent.

Bakugo shoots at Touya and lands a good shot which knocks him to the ground, once again I want to cry out but don't. 

Bakugo walks over to me as he shouts


He unlocks my hand restrains followed by my body restraints

"C'mon we gotta get you out of here"  He helps me up and I follow him over to the hole in the wall.

Midoria shoots past me aiming straight for Shiggaraki

"You think she needs you, you have no idea what can go on in a mind as twisted as her's, you'll never understand her, she will be one of us!"

Shiggaraki grabs onto Midoria arm as he goes for a punch and part of his costume disintegrates, along with some of his wrist, he cries out in pain and pulls his writs away and swings up kicking Shiggaraki and sending him flying.

He comes over and joins us as we walk through the rubble.

"Guys, are you ok' I manage to say

"Yes I'm fine," Midoria says holding his damaged wrist.

Bakugo doesn't talk, which worries me


He doesn't answer we walk for a while in silence.

"Does Aizawa know you came?"

They both shake their heads.

"What Shiggaraki said" Bakugo says quietly, it's almost too quietly for the loud brash boy I had come to know

"What did he mean?" I knew exactly what he meant.

But I pretend like it wasn't true

"He was just trying to throw you off" I say but the words sound false, even to my ears.

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