Chapter 4 - My brother

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Warning: depictions of v1olence and @buse


I get to my dorm and wish him a good night, I get changed and get into bed, and before long I am asleep but my dreams are haunted and plagued just like every other night. Sometimes I wonder if because of my quirk, that everytime I use my quirk or even maybe just because I have it means I am affected with it, honestly I don't mind. I feel like I deserve it sometimes.

Some time passes and I eventually wake up in a pool of sweat and a scream escapes my lips a teaching its way out my mouth. I clamp my hands over my mouth as if it will take back what had already happened. this could become a really problem. What if I start disturbing the others. That thought makes me panic, if they kick me out I might have to go back and live with Endevour. No. I won't let this happen. I let the thought disappear from my mind. I lay back down and silently hope I didn't wake anyone.

I close my eyes and think over my dream. I was sitting back in my old room at home I say room but it was more like a prison cell, my arms and legs were chained to the ground. Endeavour was there staring at me like I was a disease, he began throwing balls of flames at me, they engulfed my body everything was I was blinded by the pain seeing only white and red for a long time. Eventually my vision came back and I could feel my body burning with rage for Endevour. I could feel something close its way out of my back. It's the nightmare, blue and flamelike just like Endeavour's flames, the creature had a demon-like form, similar to the ones you see in folk law books. It had razor-sharp talons and piercing eyes that were the brightest of yellow almost white. It was making its way over toward a crying Shoto. I had no control over it.

"NO!" I cry out.

"Stop! Save him can't you see it, that thing is going after him, SAVE HIM!" My voice breaks.

I'm panicking because I seem to be the only one who can see what's happening, I can't move, I just want that thing to be gone I want to scoop Shoto up in my arms and keep him from harm. The tears start streaming down my face and I can't control it, minutes go by and soon my pillow is soaked through. I hear the creak of the floorboard and I jump

'oh no' I think.

If I woke one of them they would probably be mad. I hear an unexpected knock on the door. I try my best to compose myself and I walk over to it, I grab the door mob lightly and creep open the door and immediately start to apologise

"I'm sorry if I woke you, I just have trouble sleeping sometimes and..." that's when I feel arms around me and I'm confused until realising its Shoto his red and white hair soft on my wet face.

"I'm sorry" I say in a small voice even though I know from what he told me, that this must be normal for him to be woken by my childish nightmares.

"Are you ok?" he asks concerned.

I nod but the tears start to stream down my face now harder than ever. People never care about me, they just usually saw me as a problem or an obstacle. He tilts his head as if to ask 'can I come in'. I nod and step to the side to let him pass trying to stem the foow of tears and wipe my cheeks free of the water.

He sits at my desk and I sit on my bed hugging a pillow close to my chest. Trying to find any form of comfort even though it feels stupid.

"I used to hear that at night, I always just wanted to know you were ok. He never even let me see you". I sit there not knowing what to say.

We sit and talk for a while making idle chit-chat before a full conversation breaks out and were sitting there for hours, it's 4 am before he decides he needs some sleep and that I should get some too.

"Yeah otherwise we'll turn out like Mr. Aizawa" he chuckles as he walks out the door.

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