Chapter 1: Salazar's Stories

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Lilith Snape, notorious daughter of the Hogwarts' potions Professor, Severus Snape. Over the last two years, she has made quite the name for herself.

It was now the summer break before she started her Third Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was sitting in her bedroom, with the box of books she found in The Chamber on her bed. There were notebooks scattered on her bed and on her desk.

She had her hair up in a ponytail, wearing a black tank top and green silk pyjama shorts. She was currently reading one when she heard a voice coming from her bedroom door.

"You've clearly been keeping yourself busy while I've been gone".

She looks up from the book, smiling wide as she notices who it was. She closes the book, jumps off the bed, holding her arms out.  

She jumps in their arms, "Draco!".

He twirls her in the air, "I've missed you so much, Lia".

She digs her head into his neck, "I missed you too". She leans back, holding his arms, "How was the trip? You have to tell me everything".

He laughs, "There's so much to tell you, but first...". He looks behind her, "...this is certainly not what I expected to see when I got back".

She laughs nervously, "Yeah...I kind of got excited over all of Salazar's notebooks and...made a mess. Daddy's actually been surprisingly fine with it as long as it's sort of organised. Oh!".  

She grabs one of the notebooks from her bed and runs back to Draco.

She holds it out to him, smiling, "I know you've been wanting to further study Parseltongue, and Salazar was one of the first speakers so he wrote of his findings about the history and some different ways of learning it. Did you know that in some instances, Parseltongue can actually influence the will of the serpent?".  

He grabs the book, "Interesting. I'll definitely have to check this out. Thanks, Lia".

She blushes, "Anyway, tell me all about the trip".

They sit on her bed, Draco telling her stories of his most recent family trip to Italy. Lilith was torn between staying with Draco or staying with her father and grandfather. She ultimately decided to stay home, and distracted herself by learning more about Salazar Slytherin.  

The two spent the next few hours talking and catching up over how they spent their summer break. Draco told her about Italy and Lilith taught him about Salazar.  

He points to a notebook, "So you're telling me that Salazar created his own wand out of Snakewood and a basilisk horn?".

She nods, "Exactly. The amount of power he would have needed would have been absolutely insane. Probably topping that of my grandfather".

He leans back on the bed, "Wow. I'm impressed at how much you learnt in only a few weeks. Though I can't say I'm surprised, you've always been incredibly intelligent".  

She blushes, "Dray, you're really smart as well. You've got such a gift with Potions that I will never understand".

He smiles, "What can I say? Us Malfoys are just so talented at everything".

She laughs and hits his arm, "Shut up".

They laugh together, wondering what they would do without each other. Neither of them can remember a time where the other wasn't in their life. And they have no plans on leaving any time soon.  

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