Chapter 27: Making Things Right

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Lilith and Draco were down in Severus' room in the dungeons, recounting what had just happened a few minutes earlier. Draco was sitting in front of Severus, who was cleaning the bruise on Draco's jaw with a cotton ball and some healing salve. He had some healing potions on the table next to him.  

Severus sighs, "So let me get this straight, sweetheart. Granger punches Draco in the jaw for a comment he made about the you wrapped her up in magical ropes that continued to constrict her like a python until Draco snapped you out of whatever trance you were in?".  

Lilith was pacing back and forth, "I'm sorry, daddy, I don't know what happened. I guess I just...snapped. She raised her wand at him and it's like I blacked out". She rubs her temples, "Oh Merlin, what have I done?".

Draco turns his head, "Lia, calm down. You're not gonna get in trouble".  

Severus hands him a potion to drink, "Drink this and put the salve on". He stands and grabs Lilith's shoulders, "Baby, he's right. She can report you all you want but I and your godfather will make sure nothing happens. You were protecting Draco by using magic. You know what that makes you?". She shakes her head, "My daughter. A loyal friend and an amazing witch".  

She smiles and wraps her arms around his torso, "Thank you, daddy".

She releases her arms and walks over to Draco, carefully wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug. She leans back and carefully turns his head so she can see the bruise.  

She sighs, "Are you sure you're ok, Dray? It looked like she hit you pretty hard".

He laughs, "For the hundredth time, I'm fine. Uncle Sev's potions and salve really helped. I just gotta take it easy for a couple days".  

She smiles and starts to walk towards the door, "Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go ask the twins for some revenge ideas".

She closes the door, leaving Draco and Severus in the room.

Severus turns to Draco, "You're not gonna stop her?".

Draco scoffs, "Have you learnt nothing in the last thirteen years?".  

Lilith heads out of the Slytherin common room and up the stairs out of the dungeons. Just as she reaches the top of the stairs, she runs into Harry.

He immediately starts apologising, "Lilith, thank god. I...I am so, so sorry about Hermione. I don't know what's gotten into her lately and the whole...punching Malfoy was completely uncalled for".

She scoffs, "You don't say".  

He stutters, "I-I don't know how to make this right but I need to...I want to apologise for, not just today, but the last three years of our lives. T-the way she's spoken to you and treated you is nothing short of distasteful". He sighs, "Just tell me what to do".  

She looks him up and down, "Why are friends with her anyway?".

Harry hesitates, "I...don't know".

She places her hand on his shoulder, "Well, that's something to think about. For now, just make sure to keep her away from us".

He nods and she starts to walk down the hallway.

She quickly turns back, "Actually, I know how you can make this right".

He perks up, "Anything".

She smirks, "Where are the twins?".  



I have a quick question for you guys. 

How and when do you want Lilith and Draco to get together? I was thinking at the Yule Ball in fourth year but I want to hear your thoughts. I just want to know so I can plan how to build up to it. 

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