Chapter 29: Where is He?

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That night, Lilith finds herself walking around looking for her father. She tried going to his office to talk about her new revenge plan but it was empty. None of the Prefects had seen him for a while and she was starting to get worried.  

Walking through the castle, she comes across Neville and Blaise walking together in the hallways. She speed walks over, an obvious look of worry on her face.

Neville turns and runs up to meet her, "Woah, woah, woah, woah, what's wrong?".

She sighs, "Have either of you seen my father? I can't find him anywhere and no one I've talked to knows where he is".  

Blaise shakes his head, "Sorry, Lil, we haven't seen him since dinner".

She groans and rubs her head, "That's alright, he's probably busy. I'll just...go to bed and try again in the morning".

Neville holds her shoulder, "Are you sure you're ok?".  

She nods, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just tired from running around the castle. I'll see you guys at breakfast".  

The boys nod as she walks off in the other direction.

Neville turns to his boyfriend, "Should we be worried?".

Blaise sighs, "It's probably nothing but, knowing Lilith, she's masking something a lot more unforgiving. One of the setbacks of her and Draco growing up as a more...traditional pureblood".  

Lilith walks in the direction of the common room when she sees something out of the corner of her eye. She turns to see Severus, who seems to be in a hurry with a goal in mind. She decides to follow him in an attempt to catch up to him.  

She stops in her tracks when he sees him heading straight for the Whomping Willow. Severus raises his wand and immobilises the tree, causing the branches to stop swinging around and heading down a path underneath. She contemplates just going back and heading to bed, but inside her told her she needed to be with her father.  

Lilith waited until he disappeared from sight and quickly followed before the tree came back to life. She made her way down a dark path, not knowing where exactly she was going. Since it was a straight path, she didn't have to worry about making any wrong turns.  

She finally sees a light at the end of the tunnel and slowly creeps out. She looks around and finds herself in a rickety, old and broken down house. There was paper peeling from the walls, the windows were boarded up and stains all over the floor. There was only one place close to Hogwarts that this could be.

She whispers to herself, "The Shrieking Shack".  

She hears multiple voices from somewhere upstairs. She casts a silencing spell on herself so she can't make any creaking sounds to alert them.

As she gets to the top of the stairs, she hears a familiar voice, "What are you talking about? There's no one here".

"Oh yes, there is".  

She peaks around the corner into a room where she sees the following scene. Ron was sitting on the floor with a scared expression, Hermione standing next to him. Remus was standing near the doorway and Harry was pointing his wand at a shaggy looking man. A familiar shaggy looking man.

The man shouts, "Come out, come out, Peter! Come out, come out and play...".

She gasps, "Sirius Black". 

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