Chapter 30: No Matter The Difference (a little sexual content🍋🍋🍋)

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As a week passes by, The truth from the file of the massacre spreads quick as a virus and the anthro society went in extreme guilt and sadness of seeing it and even some anthros that didn't like the humans were extreme guilt as well and decided to agree with the coexistence law to pass.

   As the humans from the human complex and from the base, they were pretty angry and lost trust with the anthros a little since they were accused of something they didn't do and being getting killed off for no reason.

   The anthros wanted forgiveness and will do what it takes to earn that trust back after the war is over. As the proof was good enough, the coexistence law has passed, and humans are allowed to be in the anthro society as they register their for their identity card.

Afterwards, The Red Claw was failing and many enemies were arrested and either was sentenced to death or life in prison for their crimes but they are still active and will not surrender as the main base of Red Claw was hidden and General Floyd is still at large.

   The sentinels start sending manhunts everywhere to wipe out Red Claw but not successful yet.

As it was finally a new month of the year, I was finally in perfect shape after fighting the mutant and almost getting my guts spilled out and made the girls worry.

   Dasha was taking it easy as her arm was in a cast and she was bored of not doing anything but sleep, watch TV, or be on the computer.

    The girls gave me a welcome back present, after I just got out of the medical wing. It was a chocolate cake and Krystal made it out of her heart and soul that I just hugged her tightly.

I started to notice that she was getting really clingy towards me. That's she always tries to sit next to me and tries to flirt with me and that's not normal for Krystal to be that way.

   After some cake and ice cream, I asked Loona if she noticed about Krystal's behavior.

"Hey Loona."

"What's up runt?" Loona asked as she gave me a side hug.

"Have you been noticing that Krystal is acting strangely?" I asked.

"Well, it's just because she ran out of her medication that soothes down her heat cycle." Loona says.

"Oh, is she going to get a refill?" I asked.

"I hope so, since Dr.Kimberly is trying to get some delivered here." Loona says.

"Well I hope because, one day she will have her turn with me." I joked.

"And she will be pregnant. Just try to not tease her." Loona warns.

"I don't tease. You girls tease me." I said.

"Whatever runt. Can you go see if we have any 9 millimeter bullets from the closet?" Loona asked.

"Yeah sure." I said as I went to the hallway closet.

Krystal walked out of her room trying to stay calm after she pleasured herself. She uses her telepathic to control her urges until she saw me looking in the closet. She went at me from behind and grabs me and pinned me on the wall.

"Whoa. Whoa. What's gotten into you?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't resist you. Please. I want you." Krystal says as she slammed her lips into mine.

I dropped a box bullets that were in my hand and my eyes widened as I felt her tongue moving around in my mouth.

    I felt so vulnerable and urged that I let do what she wants with me. It wasn't normal for Krystal to be this naughty unless she's in heat. She started dry humping herself into me that she started making repeated banging sounds on the wall.

Meanwhile, Loona was waiting for me to come back with the ammo she needed.

"Goddammt. What's taking him?" She asked herself as she waited a little longer.

I started to have fun with Krystal as I started massaging her ears that started to make her stretch aggressively and French kissed me more deeper. She didn't want to stop and I tried to breathe from my nose since

   I can't break the kiss and I feel her tail wrapped around my waste. I started feeling something wet and I noticed that she just had an orgasm on my leg. Is she really that desperate for me?

Just then Loona came and saw us making out in the hallway and rolled her and made Krystal let go of me.

"What's going on here?" Loona asked.

"I couldn't help it. I want some time with him. You lucky you had your time with him." Krystal says as she tries to calm down.

"Krystal. We will do it sometime but you are in heat right now. You will get pregnant at a bad time." I explained to her.

Krystal tried to control herself and Loona tried told her to relax in the room for a bit. Krystal went to her room and went to lay down for a bit. Loona then came back and said, " you might want to change to a different set of pants."

"Right." I said as I went to the room to change.

Later during the day, Dasha challenged each other in another game of chess. She made a slippery move and puts me in check again.

"Check." Dasha says with a smirk:

I sighed in frustration a little and moved my king and Dasha took my queen. I wasn't able to continue on since the next move she is going to put me in checkmate that I just flicked my king down and accept defeat.

"Hey, you did better. You just have to watch closely next time." Dasha says.

"I know. You are too good." I complemented.

"Oh. I'm not as good as my mother." Dasha says as she giggled.

"Up for another round?" Dasha asked as she moved the pieces back on the board.

"Maybe later. I just going to be in my room for a bit." I said as I got up from the table and was about to head back.

"What's wrong Stan?" Dasha asked.

"Nothing is wrong." I said.

"Stan, if something is bothering you. You need to tell us. And I won't stop asking until you tell me." She says as she made me sit on her lap on the couch.

"Is this necessary?" I asked.

"Yes it is." Dasha says as she made me rest my head on her breasts.

"Now, tell me what's on your mind?" She asks.

"I'm just wondering how the future will be. Like, how can my life be after the war with Red claw ends.
I'm just worried of how real life can be and I don't know how to fit in society well since I'm scared." I explained to her.

  "Stan, I understand of cruel life can be, but you have us. When we get discharged, the five of us will live in a nice house together. Have kids with you, and love you no matter what. Do you understand that we will be with you in the future?" Dasha asked as she explains.

"Yes, I understand." I said as I snuggled into her.

"Good." She says as she hugged me tightly into her and then we both napped on the couch.

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