This chapter was requested by shinooi328! :) Thank you~💌
Type: Lemon
Warnings: Sexual content/scenes + gxg
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You were currently testing out on a new experiment that Shinobu asked you to try out. You were struggling a bit because Shinobu never once asked you to try out on a new experiment before. But since you were too nice, you couldn't say not to the Insect Hashira. You pretty much regretted it though but never told Shinobh about it. After working a bit, you finally decided to take a break from the experiment and headed to your estate to take a "small nap". You were too tired that you even forgot to tell Shinobu you were gonna take a "small break". When you got to your estate which seemed like forever, you went to your bedroom and changed into your "night gown" when it wasn't even night lol-. But, you wanted to have a nice relaxing sleep, and plus your "night gown" was silky and smooth unlike your demon slayer uniform you had to wear. You just wanted to sleep, so you didn't even put your "night gown" on properly. It was still loose and could see your broad shoulders that were exposing. Though, that didn't worry you because you were in your estate. What could possibly go wrong?
Shinobu POV:
Its been an hour since I last saw Y/N. Shinobu thought to herself. "Poor Y/N, I bet she's tired... I'll go check up on her." She said. When she got to the butterfly mansion to check up on you, she realized you weren't there. So she spoke, "Hello Y/N?? Yoo-hoo~ Y/N~... Where are you??? ....Where could she possibly be Shinobu thought to herself. After multiply tries of trying to find you, she gave up and lost hope. Where else could she be she thought again. "Hmm...." ..... "Aha!" Shinobu got an idea of where you might be and went there as soon as her short legs would take her. When she arrived at your estate she knocked 1, 2, 3 knocks on your estates front door. No answer... She knocked again but a bit more louder. 1, 2, 3--- ... Until Y/N opened the door. Poor girl looked very tired. Her "night gown" was slipping more off of her shoulders exposing a bit of her breasts.
"Huh? Shi-Shinobu what are you doing here?" She blushed.
"Well, I was hoping to say that question to you. What are you doing here, Y/N?~" She looked at you, up and down. And... Your clothes are uhm.. loose... Y/N. Dont worry, I can fix that~ she said seductively.
"Wait-- don't you want to know why"---... Shh~ Save that for another time dear. For now, let's have a good time, together.. you and me.
Shinobu carried you to your room and layed you on the bed. She took of your clothes leaving you only in your bra and panties...😭 Hey Shinobu... nows not a good ti-... She interrupted you by kissing you harshly. She turned the kiss into an exploring session. She explored every INCH of your mouth. Ahh~ Shinobu san~.... She wasn't quite satisfied so her hands went up to your chest and un-clipped your bra. She watched as your breasts spilled out. She stopped the kiss and kicked your breasts. You moaned. Ahh~~ You realized how weird it sounded so you covered your mouth. Shinobu got your hands and brought them to her thighs. "Y/N, you could watch me fuck you, or stare at the ceiling. But that'd be way too boring~." She said calmly. She went back to what she was doing and sucked on your breasts hungrily. This startled you, so you yelped and jumped. Your breasts following the rhythm of your jump. Shinobu liked that, no... she loved that. She sucked harder while you were watching her as she did it. This made you horribly wet. Shinobu used her free hand to play with your other breast. You moaned louder.
"Dont be too loud, Y/N. I here you just fine. I don't want the other hearing you as I hungrily fuck you." She said. Which made you blush into darker shades of pink.
She stopped playing/sucking on your breats and went to your panties. She could see that you were already wet for her. "Just by watching me fuck you, you're already this wet?" How pathetic Y/N. Can't even last~."
She pulled your panties down to your legs and put three of her long fingers inside you. This made you even more wet. She saw how much you liked it so she inserted another finger into you. She pumped them slowly while inserting another finger of hers into you. She moved them around teasingly. Shinobu!! Just get to the point you said cute but in a mad voice sorta. She giggled and move them even faster. Ahha~ Mmmm.... Y/N moaned. Shinobu went twice as fast and you were even wetter than before. She liked seeing this side of you. All wet.. just for her.
Shinobu licked your clit which sent vibrations throughout your whole body. This made your body go crazy and cummed on her mouth and spilled your juices everywhere on her.
"Ara Ara~ Mmmm~ what a tasty meal." Dont you agree... Y/N??
You nod your head slowly as you closed your eyes. Shinobu wrapped a blanket around you and scooted herself closer to you. Inhaling your scent..
Sorta proud of this one. Lemme know what you think of it ;)