Muichiro x Fem!reader

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Sorry for the long wait but here's a Fluff I guess, it's demon version of Muichiro, no smut tho cuz he's young in this one (thirteen) you are too! :)

You walk past the hot springs only to notice a small fragile look deep into his eyes and notice it's Muichiro Tokito.

You: "Ah- hi... I'm sorry I didn't think anyone would come at this time right now.."

Muichiro: "Hm? Oh..hey! I-it's fine" muichiro would blush a bit out of embarrassement "are you lost?.." the boy asked in a soft but squeaky voice, his eyes still held deep sadness and sorrow from the deaths of his family members.

You: "No.. I'm not lost and may I ask how old are you?"

Muichiro: "Im th-thirteen sir!" muichiro would stare up at you in shock. He'd never seen a human talk to him so nicely, and it felt so strange and new to him to be treated so kindly.. "w-whats your name..? M-maybe we can be friends!" he'd try to show a small warm smile to the human but instead it came out a bit awkward".

You: "I'm a girl.."

Muichiro:"o-oh.." he'd look at the ground, embarrassed that he had made this mistake "w-well sorry! I-i didn't know.." the boy'd blush deeply, he never acted this way around another human before, usually he was really serious and cold..but for some reason, he felt extremely comfortable around you. Like he had known you his whole life. This was all just too much for the poor kid..

You: "Well.. you're cute, so it's okay!"

Muichiro:"R-really..? You think so..?" he had never been called cute before, and to have it said to him by a cute stranger was absolutely mind blowing. It gave him this strange sensation in his own chest, something that felt strange and unusual, but he enjoyed it. His eyes widened in surprise, his face turned a bright pink and he blushed deeply.

You: "Woah! I'm thirteen too!"

Muichiro: "Y-you are!?" he looked at you in disbelief, he couldn't believe that someone his age would be so friendly to him. He was so excited about meeting a new freind that he immediately ran up to you and hugged you tightly, he hugged you so tightly that you were a bit shocked by it. Maybe his emotions just got the better of him but he was truly happy. He was really happy to feel any sort of warmth come towards him.

You:"H-hey! Uh too tight!-"

Muichiro:"S-sorry!" muichiro let go of you quickly and stepped back with both his hands in front of himself. He looked down, embarrassed and blushing deeply. He tried looking down but couldn't help and stare into your eyes, it almost felt weird as if he felt more then just freindship...he'd try pushing these thoughts away as he put on a more serious look "s-sorry i got carried away..i just really never had any freinds before...I don't really know the best way to act...please forgive me!"

You: "*Giggle* You're so adorable!~"

Muichiro: "H-huh..adorable..?" He was blushing heavily in embarrassment, he had never been complimented was so strange, but pleasant.. "Y-you really think I-I'm adorable?" His tail would sway side to side as he looked up at you with a sweet smile growing on his face and it showed just how adorable and sweet he truly was..

You: "Wanna be my friend?? I love you already!"

Muichiro:"Y-you do?.." that's all he really wanted. Someone that would love and care for him. Not someone that would hurt him, and use him. Not someone that would see him as lesser then themselves..he wanted to be treated like he was actually somebody to somebody for once in his life you really me?.."

"Yeah! Your so cute I would never say no".

his eyes would light up and a smile would grow on his face, a genuine warm smile. It was the most genuine smile anyone could ever hope to see. A smile filled with just pure love and joy. It was a perfect smile. It made him look so cute and so pure..a tear would roll down his eye, but not out of sadness, but out of pure happiness. He hugged the girl, he never felt so happy before. It was a feeling that is impossible to describe in words, he could just feel the pure happiness that came from just knowing that he had a friend..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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