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Li Shaoxi left field A, and was somewhat dazed when he came back.

Yun Yu looked at him and hesitated.

Li Shaoxi knew what he was thinking.


It's Yun Yu's nightmare.

Li Shaoxi smiled at him and reassured him: "Nan Xi, Yan Xinyuan, Su Jinzhou, Mou Ning, Cai Jie, Xin Wei, Sui Xiang, Li Weigong, Ai Chang... Everyone is great."

Familiar and distant names followed The clear and clear voice of the young man flowed out.

Yun Yu's eyes turned red.

Li Shaoxi came forward and hugged him: "Boss, everyone has no regrets."

Entering the black field, everyone was determined to die.

The end of the black field is for myself and for my family in this world.

Until the end, everyone did not give up.

Death didn't end it all.

They were already above the nightmare.

Yun Yu...

burst into tears.

Li Shaoxi also shed tears, he waited for Yun Yu to calm down, waiting for the haze shrouded in his heart to dissipate, waiting...

"Xiao Jianyue, can you go home?" Yun Yu asked him sobbing.

Li Shaoxi: "Well, he's waiting for us."

Yun Yu took a light breath, wiped his tears, and calmed down: "Let him come back." The

crack couldn't hold it anymore.

Players can't wait.

What will happen next, only Jane Yue knows.

Li Shaoxi nodded vigorously: "Yeah!"

Eight Jianyue cards are standing side by side in the Duobao Pavilion. Each card has a subtitle. When put together, it happens to be: "Marry me."

- Marry me.

The corners of Li Shaoxi's mouth curved, and he clicked the fusion button.

In just a few tens of seconds, it was a long time to hold your breath.

Quiet, unusually quiet.

Silence, boundless silence.

This is a special day, and another ordinary day.

It was sunny outside, and the heat of early summer hit the window, squeezed into the house along the gap, trying to swallow the remaining spring cold in one breath.

The leaves are all green, the yellow flowers of spring have fallen, and the more splendid and flamboyant bush roses that belong to summer are unfolding.

Everything is so normal, and everything is so unusual.

Duobao Pavilion: "Successful fusion." The

eight cards disappeared, replaced by Xiao Jianyue who stayed in the grid quietly and was compressed countless times.

Yun Yu asked nervously: "Is it done?"

Li Shaoxi smiled brightly: "Of course." ──Welcome


No need to say it, but there are countless blessings ringing in my ears.

This is the voice that resonates with the soul.

A cool white light dissipated, and a tall figure stood under the dazzling light.

At this moment, the cloud base was reborn.

The base hidden in the ground feels sunlight and rain.

Yun Yu was completely out of shape today, and tears came out of his eyes again.

On the contrary, Li Shaoxi bent his lips and smiled, so as not to let the tears soak his eyes, he wanted to take a good look at him, look at him for real, and looked at him countless times for the first time.

Thousands of years of hard work have long since faded away from the juvenile childishness. No matter how young he looks, the vicissitudes of life in his dark eyes are inexhaustible.

He looked at Li Shaoxi, his thin lips curled up, and he called softly, "Duo Duo."

Li Shaoxi couldn't bear it any longer, and jumped up and hugged him: "Jian Yue, welcome... welcome home!" Well, let's endure Unable to stop, Lido burst into tears without any scruples.

He is back.

He brought him back!

This moment of emotion makes it impossible to think rationally.

happy? joy? sad? relieved?

It's unclear what the road is, and the ultimate emotional catharsis is chaos and disorder.

Jian Yue warmly coaxed the little boy who couldn't help crying: "Well, I'm back." Crying and


Li Shaoxi recovered, he choked: "Crack..."

Jian Yue's eyelashes drooped slightly, Looking at Yun Yu: "Let's go, He is waiting for us."

Li Shaoxi and Yun Yu were both full of worries, but they couldn't ask for a while.

What happened to the crack.

Will he collapse?

After the rift collapses... what will the world do?

All players are in the rift.

Watching the crumbling rift, caught in great fear and unease.

Jian Yue came to the rift and saw that all his players were sluggish.

Xingchen, Lin Ran, Beike, Jun Che...

and everyone in the cloud...

all of them: "!"

They couldn't speak, not even half a syllable.

They knew that Jianyue was coming back, and that Xiaoduoduo was going to bring the miracle out of the black field...

Seeing it really, the shock was not lost in the slightest.

Jian Yue looked at the gray-white cracked space, and looked at the distant horizon.

A line of words was swayingly reflected in the air—

"Welcome back."

Jian Yue's thin lips moved slightly, and she said in a low voice, "It's hard work." When

these three words fell, countless people heard a soft sigh.

Not regret, not loss, but relief.

It was the tense nerves that finally fell, the worrying anxiety that finally dissipated, and the relaxation after unloading the burden.

He gave everyone the final goodbye: "Goodbye."

The players who saw these two words instantly raised their hearts, and panic and panic spread.

However, the parting rift left them the most dazzling scene.

Like stars falling, starting from the gray-white top, countless splendid stars fell, like a beautiful castle woven with colorful sand.

Even the collapse is so beautiful and dreamy.

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