Old photos

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Rosie was so cute in this photo - SH

[1 photo attached of baby Rosie with chocolate all over her smiling face]

Aww, I remember that day like it was yesterday - JW

Stop, you're embarrassing me - Rosie

That's basically our job, to embarrass you - SH

And you were so adorable and small - JW

Okay, I get it. Just stop - Rosie

Never :) - JW

Fine, look how cute you both were in this picture - Rosie

[1 photo attached of Sherlock and John's first date, looking awkwardly but lovingly into each other's eyes]

How did you get that photo? - SH

I have my ways - Rosie

We look so awkward there - JW

This is so embarrassing, what were we thinking? - SH

Glad you're embarrassed because I have loads more pictures - Rosie

No, I'm alright - JW

I agree with John - SH

See, now you know how I feel - Rosie

Oh, I'm sorry - JW

I'm sorry, kiddo - SH

So you're both sorry enough to get me some icecream? - Rosie

Can't, I'm working - JW

Fine. What flavour? - SH

Chocolate - Rosie

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