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Sherlock, can you make Rosie ride her bike? - JW

I won't force Rosie to do anything that she doesn't want to do - SH

But you don't understand. She needs to ride her bike - JW

I do understand, John. She doesn't need to do anything and you're too ignorant to realise that - SH

I'm not ignorant! I would normally not force her to comply with the rules that you find strict and silly but that bike was expensive and she hasn't even rode it once. Can you please please convince Rosie to ride her bike? - JW

I know it's frustrating but I still stand by my point. I won't convince Rosie to ride her bike if she doesn't want to - SH

I guess that's £40 down the drain - JW

That bike cost £40? - SH

Yes - JW

Actually I've changed my mind. I'll convince Rosie to ride her bike - SH

I'm glad you've changed your mind - JW

Of course. I'm not going to waste £40 - SH

Thank you, babe - JW

You're welcome, darling - SH

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