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How are you today, dude? - MH

Dude? You never call me dude - GL

I know, dude - MH

Stop calling me dude - GL

Sorry, dude - MH

Mycroft, I mean it - GL

I know that. I'm not stupid, dude - MH

Have I upset you in any way? - GL

No, of course you haven't, dude - MH

Then why do you keep calling me dude? - GL

I don't know what you mean, dude - MH

Playing dumb never suited you, Myc - GL

Fine. I lost a bet, dude - MH

A bet? - GL

Yes. If I lost the bet, I had to say 'dude' at the end of every sentence until I asked someone out, dude - MH

Who would place a stupid bet like that? - GL

Sherlock. He thought it would be funny if someone so sophisticated like me would use the word dude, dude - MH

What was the bet? - GL

It was on whether or not you wanted to date me, dude - MH

And you said that I didn't want to date you. Is that why you lost? - GL

Obviously, that's why I lost but I feel like Sherlock just wanted me to lose whatever the answer was, dude - MH

What do you mean? - GL

Someone like you wouldn't want to date someone like me. I think Sherlock knew that and just wanted to humiliate me, dude - MH

Maybe you didn't lose the bet completely - GL

What do you mean, dude? - MH

Well, if it's any constellation, I want to date you - GL

Really? You want to date me, dude? - MH

Yes, I really want to - GL

You sure, dude? - MH

When have I ever lied to you? - GL

There was that one incident, dude - MH

Apart from that - GL

Well then, would you do me the honour of going on a date with me, dude? - MH

I thought you would never ask. Of course I would, dude - GL

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