Stubborn Myc

22 1 0

Warning: This oneshot mentions lack of eating for what is implied to be repeated behaviour and for more than 2 days so please take care
~ Rhys <3

How's Sherlock? - GL

Good. How's Mycroft? - JW

Fine - GL

That's not what you usually say - JW

What do I usually say? - GL

"Good" - JW

Yeah, I guess so - GL

What's wrong? - JW

Yeah, cause you two think everything is wrong with Mycroft, don't you? Well, there's nothing wrong with him. Never has and never will - GL

Alright. I just meant what's up? - JW

Right. I'm sorry. I'm just worried about him - GL

What's happened, Greg? - JW

He's still not eating - GL

Ok. What have you tried? - JW

Everything you told me that helped Sherlock start eating again. I leave bits of food out for him in various places I know he frequently visits but he won't even look at the food. I've even tried taking him out somewhere where he would be expected to eat but he just plays with his food with his fork and doesn't actually eat it - GL

Maybe that's the problem - JW

Again with you thinking he's a problem - GL

I just meant that maybe you shouldn't treat him like I treat Sherlock because he's not Sherlock and doing things that will remind him of what he probably had to do with Sherlock (as Lord knows this problem didn't start when he met me) may just push him further away from eating - JW

So, what should I do? - GL

What did you do last time? - JW

I didn't do anything - GL

Greg, a man's life is potentially on the line. Just think! - JW

I didn't do anything to help him because I'm an awful boyfriend. I just allowed him to watch his favourite show, which I normally hate, and held him in my arms until we fell asleep because I was scared that if I tried anything I would hurt him - GL

Then do that! - JW

But I did nothing. I can't just do nothing again - GL

You didn't do nothing. You showed that you care about him in a way no other person can and maybe that's all he needed. Just a reminder of how much you care and that you aren't going anywhere - JW

I guess, you're right - GL

I normally am - JW

God, Sherlock has definitely rubbed off on you - GL

Greg! You can't say that - JW

I didn't mean it like that!! - GL

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