My Headcannons

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Which ones do you agree or disagree with?

1. Mycroft is the big spoon unless he's sick or just had a nightmare then he likes to be the little spoon

2. Greg played the bass guitar (whilst being in a boyband) and acoustic guitar (which he often was asked to play at parties) in college. He can't play the bass guitar anymore but he still plays the acoustic guitar

3. John and Sherlock got together first but Greg and Mycroft got married first

4. Sherlock knows that Greg is called
Greg but calls him anything but that because he finds it fun to wind him up

5. Sherlock is autsitic and views Greg as a father figure as Greg has ADHD so he feels like he's the only one that fully understands him

6. John knew that he was bisexual before he met Sherlock. He hates that people assume he's gay because he's not gay, as Nick Nelson puts it, he's bi actually

7. Sherlock legally adopted Rosie so he is legally her father. However, at first, he felt weird Rosie calling him "Papa" because he felt like he wasn't her "actual father" but with John's explanation and love he now adores that Rosie views him and John as her two dads

8. Sherlock's main love language is Acts of Service, whilst John's main love language is Words of Affirmation. Therefore, it took a while for Sherlock to understand and implement John's main love language into their relationship as he shows John he loves him by wanting to do things with him, whereas John wants to be told he's loved

9. Mycroft doesn't mind cuddling on the sofa under a blanket with Greg whilst they watch a movie together as Greg's main love language is physical touch. However, Mycroft hates hugs (even with Greg) but he claims that cuddling is completely different

10. When going on holiday, Greg dresses for the country him and Myc are flying to (so he'll wear shorts and a t-shirt) whilst Mycroft dresses for the country they are still in (so he'll wear a "toned down" version of one of his suits)

11. Everyone else headcannons Lestrade to have an abuse ex-wife and by everyone else I mean including me because he gives of divorced dad vibes

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