Brave little warrior

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Before you read these texts, please read this!!!!

Just know that you're never alone. Please talk to someone. Even if you think no-one will listen, someone will. I thought no-one would listen but now I'm currently 7 months clean from self harm. Even if you feel like you're suffering with something that's "not as bad as self harm" then please still talk to someone.

There are websites that you can use, like MindMate, Kooth, etc, that are good for improving mental health and just having someone to talk to.

Find someone who will listen and I promise those people exist. Speak up because it can help save your life.

No-one deserves to suffer.

Also, if you don't want to read about the things I've stated above (it's not mentioned explicitly so analyse these texts however you want but if you don't want to read about it, that's fine) then don't feel pressured to read on.

Also, also, Rosie is 14 years old here.
~ Rhys <3

Rosie, are you okay? - JW

Yes, I'm fine - Rosie

Are you sure? - JW

Yes, why are you asking? - Rosie

You just looked a bit distressed during dinner earlier and I wanted to know if you're okay - JW

Oh. Well, I'm fine - Rosie

You know Sherlock is good at deducing people, right? - JW

Yeah - JW

Well, he's not good at deducing people's emotions. I literally kissed him and he still asked whether I liked him or not - JW

That sounds like something Papa would do lol - Rosie

So, the moral of the story is to stop worrying whether Sherlock can deduce your emotions or not because he can't. He's a bit dumb when it comes to human emotions but don't tell him I told you that or I won't hear the end of it. You don't need to hide your emotions from us - JW

Don't worry, I won't tell Papa. Thank you, Dad, but seriously I'm fine - Rosie

Okay then. I'm glad you're fine - JW

Well, say that I'm hypothetically not fine but I don't want to talk about it then what would you say? - Rosie

Hypothetically, I would say that you don't have to handle it on your own. You don't have to tell me what's making you upset but just know that I'm here for you and so is your Papa. You're never truly alone. You know that, right? - JW

Yes, but you know what they say, God gave the hardest battles to his strongest warriors and all that - Rosie

You're right. God also gave those warriors the strength to reach out for help when they need it - JW

You really believe that? - Rosie

Yes, I do. It certainly saved my life - JW

Well then, maybe you could help me a bit - Rosie

Only if you want to help me tho - Rosie

Of course I want to help you. That's my duty as your dad, to help you without judgement. Thank you for being willing to talk to me. Whatever you want help with won't make me love you any less. I'm proud of you, sweetheart - JW

Thank you, dad - Rosie

You're welcome, my brave little warrior - JW

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