The final straw

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The next morning none of the siblings said a word, they were told they would have left before breakfast and that they would have eaten on the ship so Vaera had a maid take her to Rhaenyra and Laenor's chambers rather early.

Vaera was shown in and found Rhaenyra and Laenor sitting in front of each other as the sunrays brightened up the room.

"Sister, Laenor" said Vaera kindly, her sister's arm had been stitched up as best as the maester could.
"Vaera" said Laenor with a small smile, "I am sorry to interrupt but we're about to leave and I do need to speak to you and the boys" she said to her sister.

"I'll go get them back" said Laenor smiling to his wife, standing up from the chair he was on. He walked past Vaera and cracked a smile to her as well.
As soon as Laenor had closed the door, Vaera sat down and asked, "Are you alright?" "Yes" said Rhaenyra, "Really, I am" she added seeing her sister's look.

"Are you not going to ask how our brother is?" asked Vaera curiously, Rhaenyra got stiff, "He's our brother, despite sharing Hightower blood and being mean, he is our brother" she urged her, "How is he?" asked Rhaenyra upset, "In pain as I am sure were you and the boys for the insults against you all last night" let out Vaera calmly.

Rhaenyra knew she needed not explain her actions to her sister, she knew Vaera understood – she'd put those boys above everything and anyone.

"You will head back to Dragonstone" said Vaera, "And you will return to King's Landing" said Rhaenyra with a small sigh. They missed each other already.

Rhaenyra waited a moment then let out, "Otto Hightower has returned to plan his family ascent" "I know – so we play as well" said Vaera with a small smirk.

Rhaenyra locked eyes with her, "It is too much to ask of you, I shouldn't have had in the first place" she said shaking her head, "I like to play. I want to play. I am good at it, you said it yourself when we all lived in the Red Keep" urged her Vaera.

Rhaenyra seemed unsure.

"From your blood will come the Princess that was promised" stated Vaera lowly, her sister picked up her head and looked at her again, "Princess?" she asked with a curious little smile.

"You were sure you would have gotten a sister. I am sure our saviour will be a Princess" said Vaera promptly.

Those words made her see the same as her sister.
Jacaerys and Lucerys opened the door and entered the room and when they saw their aunt Vaera they put up a small smile. But they were still too worried about their mother to be truly content.

Little Luke had cloth up his nostril to stop the blood from flowing and Jace a few scratches here and there.

"Vaera is going back to the Red Keep. I want you to tell her what happened last night in the tunnel. Everything" urged them Rhaenyra as she knew that was what Vaera wanted to hear from them.
Jacaerys and Lucerys began their story and she grimaced hearing the words Aemond had told them.

She believed them, every single word. Her nephews did not lie, they did not have it in them to do so.

Vaera went to hug them when they were done, turned to Rhaenyra and said, "I best be off. I don't want father to wait. Be good" she said addressing to Jace and Luke.

Rhaenyra stood up and walked to her. She walked her out of the chamber and towards the front courtyard of House Velaryon where Vaera found her siblings already there waiting for her.

Goodbyes were fretted, Rhaenyra, her beautiful sister, held her, "Take care of yourself" she said, Vaera smiled feebly, "I'll come on dragon back whenever I can" she stated.
Rhaenyra smiled and turned serious, "Don't let them get to you, don't let yourself be vulnerable, don't be weak with the Hand" she warned her, "I won't" she promised, Rhaenyra stared at her for a moment then whispered, "We play" and she urged her on.

Vaera Targaryen, the Dragon BoundWhere stories live. Discover now