The Black Council - part three

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That morning, after having left Vaera, his siblings and his mother at the Red Keep, one of the servants brought ser Gwayne to the Prince while he was waiting in the royal carriage to get to the Dragonpit.
After a short while, the door opened and in popped his uncle's face looking as white as a ghost.

"My Prince" he said, "Get in, uncle" said Aemond coldly, ser Gwayne obeyed and sat in front of him, trying to get as much distance between the two of them as possible.

Aemond kept looking outside, through the fixtures and only spoke when they were surrounded by the crowds forming on the streets of King's Landing.
"The Lord Commander told me that he would have made sure to find a suitable replacement to keep my wife safe" began Aemond, "I am sure the Lord Commander will provide a perfect man for the role" said ser Gwayne, "I'm sure of that. I have no doubt Cole has the Princess' best interests in mind – unlike you" said Aemond finally looking at him.

Ser Gwayne was startled, "I assure you, nephew, I, like everyone else in the realm, care deeply for the Princess" he blurted out trying to sound calm and firm.

Aemond curled his lips, "I doubt it" and he stopped a moment before continuing, "You dislike her, you despise her. She can live with that, I can live with that – what I cannot live with is the fact that you let thousands see her undressed".

Ser Gwayne looked even paler, "What I cannot live with is that you haven't even tried to come rescue your King, your Queen, your sister and your father when the old Rhaenys threatened us all" finished Aemond with an angry tone behind his composed façade.

"Your task, from today onwards will be to always keep an eye on my mother, can you at least protect your sister? Can you at least keep a blood relative safe?" asked the Prince firmly.

"Yes, my Prince" said his uncle firmly, "Good" said Aemond lowly, he knocked on the wood behind himself, where the charioteer was and the man stopped the carriage.

"Get out" said Aemond looking out through the fixtures again, without even glancing at his uncle.
Ser Gwayne surely would have preferred to continue to ride rather than having to go back on foot but he did as he was told and left his nephew alone.

Aemond continued his ride to the Dragonpit in silence, hoping for a quick and uneventful ride to Storm's End and he was granted that – clear skies as far as the eye could see, no harsh winds, except for when he approached Durran's Point, on the northern coast of Shipbreaker Bay.

The guards of House Baratheon saw Vhagar from the formidable battlements that crowned the colossal drum tower and from the massive outer curtain wall.

He landed on the cliff and by the time he had descended Vhagar he could see a chariot being ridden towards him to come get him. He had been uncertain at first whether his journey there would have been successful, although he would have dreaded to come home without Storm's End – now that he had seen the ride approach him, he was sure he would have been welcome.

Three knights arrived with the chariot, one to ride it and two to guard the Prince. "Prince Aemond, Lord Borros welcomes you. Our Lord has been waiting for the arrival of a member of House Targaryen. We offer you our condolences for the passing of his grace, King Viserys" said the tallest of them all, he opened the door of the wooden ride for him and let him in. Only when he was seated did the Prince thank him for their condolences.

Aemond could see as he rode the a hundred and fifty feet drop below the wall into the sea on the seaward side of the thick walls. The Prince had never been to the seat of House Baratheon, his older sisters had, his beloved and treasured wife and the whore of Dragonstone. Sometimes he despised himself for allowing his mind to believe that Rhaenyra and Vaera looked alike, he hated that he was comparing his beautiful sister to the sister that had had the privilege of being loved more than anyone else by their father, the sister he hated.

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