Seeds of despair

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Princess Vaera knew that talk of her would soon have reached the whole of the realm, just as the news of Jaehaerys' death would have and she was prepared for talk, she descended of a noble family that had turned into the royal one, she was a renowned lady, a Princess of the Realm and she was a Targaryen – when younger she would remind herself and even now she would remind her youngest relatives to "Pick up your head. People talk, it's human. You pick up your head and you go on about your life without bothering about them".

And pick up her head she would have.

The following morning, after a sleepless night, all Vaera wanted was to be close to Helaena, to Aegon and to Jaehaera and Maelor but when she stepped foot out of her chambers that day she was met with her husband who clearly had started his day earlier.

He was his statuesque self, determined and stone cold.

"Leave us" he ordered to her maid, Rosalla, who was standing slightly behind his wife, to ser Hart and to the rest of the people guarding her.

"The Lord Commander urged me never to leave the Princess' side last night" argued ser Hart sensing the mood of the temperamental prince.

"It is not the Lord Commander you should fear, ser Hart. It is me if you do not do as I command you" answered Aemond shifting his head from his wife to the man and then back to her.

"You all heard your Prince" began Vaera with a wary calm, keeping her head high, "You leave us" she finished firmly.

Rosalla bowed towards them and walked past the Princess. Ser Hart then uttered, "My Prince. Princess" and he nodded to both of them before taking with him the rest of her guards and the young maid.

Everyone's footsteps could be heard no longer, yet Aemond still wasn't speaking. Her brother simply stared at her, almost with distrust and contempt; he kept his arms behind him and his whole face was tense.

While any other person would have feared for their life to see him like that, knowing how quick he was to anger (something in common he had with his older brother), Vaera remained unperturbed and proceeded to walk towards the stairs to go to the garden but Aemond held her firmly by her arm and kept her by her doors.

She turned around slowly, staring in her brother's eye.

"I see your grandfather wasted no time to tell you, brother" she let out composedly, he grinned scornful and argued, "You should have wasted no time to tell me" and he let go of her, almost pushing her away.
"My plan was to never tell a soul" she retorted with fire growing inside her.

Aemond scoffed and shook his head in slight disbelief, "I am your husband" he stated, "I am glad you remember" she let out as she turned around again, heading for the stairs once more.

Aemond enjoyed not her sardonic answer and quickly grabbed her again, holding her firmly this time without letting her go.

"Vaera –'' he said with a fake calmness and gentleness in his voice, "What can you do with the dragons?" he asked in the same tone.

She wasn't budging so he yanked her towards him and with his left hand he swiftly grabbed her by the jaw and made her look at him (as if he had forgotten he had done so just days prior and how he had promised himself never to hurt her again).

"What can you do to our dragons?" he asked her again, inches from her, clearly wanting her to take that conversation as seriously as he was.

She stared back at him and with a venomous whisper she hissed, "I can't do shit to them".

Aemond scrutinised her and let go of her jaw but he still kept her close to him, holding her by the arm.

"I can feel them, that yes but nothing more" she kept on with her lies.

Vaera Targaryen, the Dragon BoundWhere stories live. Discover now