Against her will

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"Princess" said Otto Hightower when she entered his rooms together with the Queen, he gestured them to sit down and they did, with Alicent sitting close to her, "Princess Vaera, we have found a marriage fit for you" said the man. Marriage was dreadful word but Vaera had prepared for such a moment, she cracked a smile and remained calm, "May I know who he is?" she asked, "Loras Redwyne" said the Hand, "Lord Redwyne's brother?" asked Vaera as if she didn't already know it was him; the Queen nodded.

"He's forty years older than me" she pointed out. The Queen said nothing and neither did the Hand. She looked at both of them and then with a faint smile asked, "Will I be able to stay at court?" "Yes, Ser Loras has been here at court for many years, since his first wife died – he already has heirs" explained the Hand, "My father agreed to this?" she asked knowing he would never give her off to a no one like Ser Loras Redwyne, "The Queen and I have agreed" said the Hand calmly, she looked down and then up again swiftly with curled lips, "Of course – when are the nuptials?" enquired Vaera, Alicent took her hand, "In two weeks, so you'll have time to acquaint yourselves" said the Queen warmly trying to reassure her, "Very well" she said, "Is that it? May I go?" she added quickly, "Of course" said the Queen rather surprised by her calm. Vaera stood up curtsied to Alicent and nodded to the Hand before leaving his chambers.

Her heart was racing, she didn't know how many steps at a time she was going down of, she was sprinting, running down the Tower of the Hand as fast as she could.

She did not know how many saw her running through the corridors of the Keep that afternoon, she didn't even know where she wanted to go. She had prepared all her life for such matter, she thought she had it all under control, but she was scared. The only thought that reassured her was knowing she would have remained at court – but now that she thought of that ... Aemond would have been at court too. How could she tell him she was to be married to a balding man with lusty eyes?

She took a deep breath and she stopped, she was in front of the King's Guard battlements and quarters.

She ran right in there and found four knights sharping their swords, two, ser Erryk Cargyll and his twin ser Arryk were half dressed. "Princess –'' said one standing up and they all followed, "Where is ser Criston?! Where is he, where is ser Cris –'' she said frantically and from another room came her knight running, "V – Princess" he said worriedly, he as well was missing a shirt; he then looked at the other knights and ordered, "Put some clothes on!", he took a shirt from the end of a bed that must have been his, put it on and rushed to her.

He escorted her outside, into a nook of the corridor, looking worried.
"What is it, what happened? Did someone hurt you?" he asked apprehensively as he checked her and touched her shoulders and arms. She took his forearms and blurted hastily, "You said you'd protect me even from my lord husband, that I wouldn't have to bed anyone if I didn't want to", he stared at her for a moment and then reassured her, "Of course I will protect you, I won't let anyone touch you" he stated firmly, "I'm being married off to Ser Loras Redwyne in two weeks – that man would fuck anything with a hole" she rushed out her words shaking her head.

He held her firmly, making her look at him and stop thrashing, "That man will never lay a hand on you, Vaera" he promised her with firmness in his eyes.
She sighed and began to cry; why were all the years of training to keep everything inside failing her in that moment she did not know, next thing she knew she was throwing her arms around Cole's neck, she was hugging him. For a moment he did not return the hug but then he held her tightly, stroking her head. She may have remained in his arms for a minute but she needed to calm down.

"You cannot let the lords and ladies see you like this" he whispered. She let go of him, his touch had been calming; she dried her tears, breathed in and her stone cold look reappeared on her face, "I don't plan on letting anyone see me like that again" she stated firmly.

Vaera Targaryen, the Dragon BoundWhere stories live. Discover now