Ch. 7 || The Black Residence

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It had been three days since I was discharged from the hospital and six days with no Edward

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It had been three days since I was discharged from the hospital and six days with no Edward. One good thing about my injury was that it helped get Bella's mind off of him. She had stepped into a surprisingly helpful role as a nurse-like figure. She constantly fetched me water to drink and medicine for the headaches I experienced often in the days following. Interrupting this mundane routine that had been dragging on the days following my hospital stay, Jacob called me asking me to come over, and who was I to refuse?

"Bella, can you drive me to Jacob's?" I turned to her, we had already climbed into the truck and I knew she didn't have any plans after school except to wallow in her self pity and read her depressing books. Despite the way she looked over at me with her 'no fucking way' look I insisted. "C'mon it'll be fun for both of us! I think we should both get closer to Jacob, like Dad wants."

"I really don't think we should make friends based on Charlie's suggestions."

I sighed, I knew she wasn't going to enjoy this, but I didn't have homework and I desperately needed social interaction outside of the cheer squad. "Bella, just drive me. You can go home then pick me up or Jacob can drive me home. I promise I don't have any assignments to do! Pleeeeaaaase!!"

I think the squeal on the 'please' really got deep into one of Bella's brain wrinkles because she finally agreed. "Fine. Just stop doing that thing with your voice, and Jacob can drive you home," she groaned.

I smiled at her widely as she began to drive down the road to the Quileute Reservation. The welcome sign provided a warm feeling to my entire body as I remember what happened the last time I was at Jacob's home. I had seen the wolf, my wolf. He had almost slipped my mind in the chaos that had followed that night, but he was there, in the back of my mind no matter where I was.

Suddenly the truck skirted to a stop, jerking forward slightly from the suddenness of the brake. "Alright, call me if your head starts hurting again. Drink water. Text me when you leave. Don't talk to any of Jacob's... interesting friends."

"Sure thing!" I called over my shoulder. I had already hopped out of the truck with my bag slung over my shoulder and was walking up to the Black residence. I knocked on the storm door, before I saw anyone I heard shushing and shuffling around inside the house.

The door was quickly snatched open by a grinning Quil. "Hey Giovanna, wassup girl?" I wasn't sure if him calling me 'girl' was a thing he did exclusively for me or for every girl he met, but I decided it was only for me because it made me feel special.

"Hi, Quil. Jake invited me over. Is he here or have you taken over his house?"

Quil chuckled, but shrugged. "It's my place now. I dumped his body behind the house and have now taken over his identity completely."

"Quil! Shut up and let her in!" I heard Billy's voice yell from the kitchen.

"Yes sir, Mr. Black sir!" Quil mock saluted and stepped aside from the doorway.

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