Ch. 1 || Forks, Washington

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I thought we'd stay in Phoenix forever

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I thought we'd stay in Phoenix forever. But obviously I'd been proven very wrong. Mom was eager to let me go, more so sad to see her favorite daughter --my sister Bella-- go. 

I never really understood Mom's not-so-secret  favoritism towards Bella. We were both equal on our intelligence-- both earning passing grades in all subjects. I had been more athletic as a child but even then our mom hardly spared a glance in my direction. 

 Situated next to Bella with everything I even slightly care about stuffed into two suitcases and a carry-on, my head began to ache with boredom. I sat beside my sister for what seemed like years but was in reality only half an hour waiting for our estranged dad, Charlie. We hadn't even left the airport yet and me and we were feeling the crisp Forks air in our bones.

"You think they'd install some heating in this place," Bella said, sighing heavily.

"Really, I just hope Dad will be here soon so we can get in the heating of the patrol car," I groaned, mirroring her annoyance. Right on cue a pair of hurried footsteps came into earshot, quickly tapping our way.

Our trusty father, Charles Swan stood there. Lanky as ever, still dressed in his grease-stained officer uniform. "I'm so sorry girls, the patrol car got a flat tire and the auto guy was dragging his feet getting it fixed," Dad explained, blowing a huff of air from his mouth and picking up our suitcases.

"It's fine." I hugged him, making him pause in lifting me and Bella's combined bags, "but I expect you to carry all my bags as compensation for waiting so long."

Bella stood back awkwardly, rubbing her arm with her hand nervously. Me and Dad have always been closer than they were. I went on fishing trips and to lunches, Bella stayed home buried in one of her depressing books or listening to music. She always clung to Mom, and Mom clung to her. Mom was too unstable to have both of her daughters hate her so she chose the classic outsider. Bella was awkward and had few friends outside of me and her, while I was a social butterfly, constantly surrounded by new people. She claimed to be "helping" Bella, using it as a cover up for her negligence towards me.

"I guess it's the least I can do after this horrible torture I've put you two through," Dad chuckled. He clutched the fabric over his shirt, horribly acting out a pained expression. 

It turned out the patrol car's heating was also broken and was not going to be fixed until the next week. So we continued to freeze the entire ride to Forks, which sucked, a lot.

I looked up from my phone and I finally saw it, Dad's house, full of heating, food, and those amazing candies he never eats.

I turned to Bella and tried to nudge her awake. "Bella, wake up," I whispered at first, slowly getting louder near her ear. "Bella, don't wake up if I can keep the MP3 player Phil got you."

"Nice try Gia." She mumbled as she sat up, "you can have it when I drop dead."

"Might be sooner than you think," I said. Leaning into her face I playfully squinted my eyes in a slasher-esque death glare.

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