Ch. 5 || La Push Party

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Two days had passed since we were almost killed by Tyler Crowley and his mom van

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Two days had passed since we were almost killed by Tyler Crowley and his mom van. Two days of cheer practices, two days of worried Layla and Wyatt, and most of all, two days of no Edward. I didn't really care, I secretly hoped he had moved back to Alaska and never came back. 

But Bella was torn up. She thought he was an ass, and a hot piece of ass. Even after our angry conversation in the hallway she wondered if he was okay, where he was, what was going on. And I was over it.

"See you laters Bells, I'm gonna head to warm-ups." I leaned on the side of the truck, examining the dent left by the crash.

" 'Kay," she answered, her voice quiet.

I followed her steady gaze right to the Cullens. Like always they were across the parking lot near there expensive, fancy cars. It seemed they were intentionally avoiding looking in our direction as their gazes were either fixed on each other or something off in the distance. I didn't want to bother her too much since I knew she was worried about Edward. Even though I wanted to slap her out of it, I also really wanted to be a kindhearted sister.

I leaned into the window to get closer to her face. "Get home safe," I spoke in the same quiet tone.

"I will, but I'll also probably be at the game with Charlie and Billy."

"See you there." I smiled at her and received an awkward one in return.

I got to the field just as my last few teammates set their things down to begin stretching.

"Hey Gia!" Layla smiled at me.

"Hi! By the way, before I start pretending. I never heard who we're going against tonight. Is it like-- Chief Sealth?" Despite our team losing every game, tonight was an informal game that wouldn't count to any points in the actual league, from what I heard it was more of a "revenge" thing.

Wyatt grinned. "Nope."

"Neah Bay?"

"You're closer," Layla spoke and mirrored his smile on her own lips.

I pondered for a moment, what school was close to us that had beat us bad enough for a revenge game? Finally my common sense kicked in. "They're playing Queliute Tribal again?!" I exclaimed is a sat down.

"Yeah, Mike acted like they killed his mom or something. All he was talking about in the guys locker room yesterday was how he would avenge his dignity against them." He laughed at the memory and continued, "It was ridiculous, and hysterical."

I was trying my best to focus on what Wyatt was saying but I couldn't shake the feeling of a glare burning into the side of my head. I was able to see her out of my peripheral vision, Cheyenne. Her malicious gaze made me shiver, something looked wrong with her. Her face didn't quite fit her head, it was almost like she was wearing a poorly fitted mask from a Halloween shop. Her slim eyes were strangely dark, her sclera seemed to be stained grey. It was all off and no one else seemed to notice.

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