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3rd Person POV

   Alfred and Bruce frantically ran into the GCPD building and were very out of breath. "Woah woah, what's the problem?" Harvey looked over at them from his desk. "Miss. Rebecca, have you seen her?" Alfred asked him. "She was here about 3 hours ago, then left," Harvey told him. "What!? Why didn't you tell me?" Alfred yelled. "I don't know, we thought you knew she was here," Harvey grew confused.

   "So she's gone?" Bruce wanted to know. "I think she went to find Nygma, wherever that lunatic went," Harvey said. "We need to file her as missing with a criminal then!" Alfred was starting to lose his temper. Jim walked in and noticed the scene before him. "Alfred, calm down, now what's going on?" He asked. "Miss. Rebecca is missing with a criminal she is!" Alfred yelled again. "We'll get her back, we promise," Jim said while Harvey stood up and they proceeded to leave the building.

   "Do you think they skipped town?" Harvey gave a suggestion. "I'm not sure, anytime someone leaves Gotham, they always come right back," Jim answered. "Good point." They decided to start with Penguin's place. "GCPD, Cobblepot, open up," Jim said through the door. Oswald opened the door and smiled at them both. "Hello Jim, Harvey," he greeted them both. "We were looking for Rebecca and Nygma, we figured they possibly came here, is this true?" Jim questioned. "Yes, it is true, but I'm afraid they're no longer here," Oswald said.

   "When did they leave?" Harvey chimed in. "About an hour or so ago, they were running out of the place, so they probably made it further than you think," Oswald remarked. "Now if you'll excuse me gentlemen, I have some work I need to do," Oswald slammed the door in both of their faces. "Now we're out of leads, where do you think they could've gone?" Harvey asked. "Why don't we check Nygma's place? They'd have to go back there," Jim suggested. "Good idea." They then made their way to Edward's place.

   When they arrived, the door to Ed's place wouldn't open. "It won't budge, either they're in there or they're not," Jim pointed out. "I'll bust it down, stand back," Harvey took out his gun. He began shooting at it, but it didn't do anything because it wasn't strong enough. A voice then came from inside. "I am an odd number, take away a letter and I become even, what number am I?" "Seven," Jim answered the riddle. "Is that a street?" Harvey wondered. "Maybe, but there's a lot of places on that corner," Jim stated. But then the voice spoke up again. "If you found the answer to that last riddle, just know that this place is not so little, find the one where people come to dance, drink, and sing, while the blonde who runs it used to wear your ring."

   Jim sighed to himself then because he knew the answer. "The Siren's Club," he told Harvey and they made their way out. But something occurred to Harvey. "Wait, the voice from the inside didn't sound like a recording, what if they're tricking us?" "We'll come back as soon as Barbara tells us what we need to know," Jim told him. The club was completely empty, yet it still looked full of life. "Barbara?" Jim called out. "We're closed Jim," Barbara came out and looked annoyed to see them both.

   "Has Nygma been here recently?" Jim went straight to the point. "No, he hasn't," she told him. "You sure? Nygma never lies with his riddles," Harvey pointed out. "Well he did this time because he never came here," Barbara told them. "You think she's telling the truth?" Harvey whispered to Jim. "Must be, Barbara may be a little out of her mind, but I can tell when she isn't lying," Jim responded. "Now unless you're going to pay or get a drink, I suggest you get out," Barbara stated coldly.

   "Nice to see you too," Harvey told her before they walked out of the place. "Head back to Nygma's?" They agreed to that and went back. When they did, the door happened to be opened this time. "Do we go in?" "It could be a trap," Jim was cautious and decided to go in first. They took out their guns and began to walk around. "GCPD," Jim spoke up. "Jim? Oh, hey guys," Victor Zsasz came out from one of the rooms.

   "Zsasz? What are you doing here?" Harvey asked him. "Got orders from Penguin to find Ed, broke in and found nothing, what are you guys doing here?" He then asked and casually took a bite from a sandwich he was holding. "We were also looking for Ed, he took somebody with him," Jim stated. "Oh? Penguin never told me Nygma wasn't alone, who is he with?" Zsasz wanted to know. "Bruce Wayne's sister," Jim answered him. "I see," Zsasz looked interested.

   "Were you welcomed with a riddle when you came to the door?" Jim then remembered what happened before when they arrived. "Nope, as soon as I got here, I blasted down the door, heard no voices or anything," Zsasz was telling the truth. "That is really weird, it didn't sound like Nygma giving us those riddles, and nobody was here, what are we missing?" Harvey grew confused.

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