Chapter 27

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Evey got out of bed before Ford woke. Now that she could see because of the daylight, she searched through the blood-splattered cupboards in the kitchen for food. The family did not have many canned goods, so all Evey could find was a can of soup. It wasn't a typical breakfast, but it would keep them full.

She spotted a firepit in the backyard. She grabbed the can, a pot, a stack of bowls and spoons, and a lighter before going outside. She stepped outside and listened to the sound of birds. Why were animals not getting sick? Would this Virus wipe out the entire human race?

Evey set the items down on the patio table. Ford had hidden the family's bodies in the backyard, but where? She walked across the grass, past the garden, and over to the pool. It all seemed like an average upper-class family's yard. She squinted because of the blinding sun and looked around.

Feet were sticking out from behind the shed. Ford had hidden the bodies in a spot that the twins could not see if they looked out the bedroom window. Evey walked toward the shed. The stench grew worse as she got closer. She gagged and covered her mouth when she saw the discoloured bodies with flies circling above. It was parents and two children. They all had a bullet in their skull.

What did her family's bodies look like?

Evey shuddered at the thought.

She held her breath as she walked over to the bodies. Only the father's feet were sticking out, so she reached down and grabbed his arms. She yanked him forward so that he was fully hidden. She ran out from behind the shed and panted for breath when she got next to the pool.

Evey started a fire in the pit. She opened the can, poured the contents into the pot, and then held the pot over the flames. Sitting in a lawn chair, she listened to the birds flying in the sky. Her mind kept wandering back to last night. Her kiss with Ford was one of the best kisses she has ever had. A feeling of betrayal sat heavy in her chest as she thought about her parents. Ford murdered them. Evey knew that it was because they were Infected, but it still hurt. She was at least thankful that Ford gave them a quick death and prevented them from turning into those mindless cannibalistic monsters.

The back door opened and Evey looked over her shoulder. Ford stepped out and did not say a word as he sat in the chair next to Evey. They sat in silence as Evey warmed the soup.

Was he also thinking about last night? Evey's heart fluttered every time she remembered the way his lips felt against hers. Did he have the same feeling? Did he hope that it would happen again, just like Evey did?

"So last night," Evey said.

"We're not talking about it," Ford said.

She bit down on her lip. Was he regretting it? Should she be embarrassed that she let it happen? Was it ever going to happen again?

The patio door opened and Josie and Joey ran out giggling. They all ate the lukewarm soup around the fire pit. Ford refused to look in Evey's direction. She lost her appetite as she snuck glances at him to see his usual scowl was more stern.

What had she done wrong?


Gomez was not complaining any more as they walked down the street and between the undrivable cars. Instead, he was snickering. He tried to drift while he was walking to get closer to Evey. Ford stepped in between them each time.

"What's the matter, bud?" Gomez asked.

Sarcasm was in his voice in an attempt to enrage Ford. It was working as Ford balled up his fists and was ready to swing. Evey noticed and grabbed his arm. Ford looked down at her. A cold and murderous look was in his eyes.

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