Chapter 48

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Ford refused to leave Evey's side. He watched as the doctors and nurses gave her multiple blood transfusions and stapled the slice across her shoulder closed. Evey's eyes had not been open for more than a few seconds at a time. Wires were attached to her chest under the thin gown. Ford made one of the nurses teach him how to read the vitals machine. He jotted down notes on what was the normal range. Whenever he was concerned about a number, he ran and got someone.

Evey's head was spinning when her heavy eyes fluttered open. Ford was in a chair and slumped over the side of the bed and snoring softly. A strip of fire ran down her shoulder. A stack of pillows was behind her to help keep her comfortable, but it was not providing much relief. Gathering her strength, she lifted her hand to see she had an I.V. inserted and a pulse oximeter on her finger. The itch of the oxygen tube was under her nose. She had spent so many hours being a nurse. Being the patient was something new.

The hand by Ford did not have any wires or tubes. Her hand shook as she reached forward and ran her fingers through his dark hair. Ford jolted up with wide eyes. Evey lifted her lips into a faint smile. Ford leaned over the bed and cupped her face.

"Evey, you're alive," he said. "You're okay."

"Thank you," she said with a hoarse voice.

"Thank you?"

"You saved my life, Kalen."

Ford chuckled. The sound made Evey's heart flutter. They had survived and made it to the hospital. She never thought this day would come. Ford kissed her forehead. His lips were soft, and she closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling.

"No way I was leaving you behind," he said. "How are you feeling?"

"It hurts," she said.

"I'll go get a nurse."

Ford turned, but Evey grabbed his arm. Her grip was too weak to stop him from leaving. He looked at her with his brows furrowed.

"I don't want you to leave," she said.

"It will be quick," he said. "I don't want you hurting."

"I can handle it."

Ford let out a deep breath and sat back in the chair. Tightening his grip on Evey's hand, he ran his thumb across her knuckles. Evey closed her heavy eyes and listened to the sound of the heart monitor beeping.

"Where is Joey?" she asked. "Is he okay?"

"He's with Fiona," he said. "He's fine."

Joey survived. Evey was able to keep one of the children alive. It would be better if she could have saved Lila and Josie, but she was not a total failure. Now, they were in the hospital and could find the Cure. The world would no longer be a nightmare.

"Fiona and Johnson are okay?" Evey asked.

Ford sighed. Evey forced her eyes open. He was no longer looking at her, but instead, he was staring at their intertwined hands. Words were not needed. Johnson was dead.

"What happened?" Evey asked.

"I don't know," Ford said. "He didn't make it."

"You don't know?"

"I was more focused on making sure you didn't die. You scared the fuck out of me."

Evey bit down on her lip. Had she slowed down the group? Would Johnson have survived if she was not wounded?

"Hey," Ford said, noticing she was lost in her thoughts. "It isn't your fault. You need to stop blaming yourself."

"Four of us survived," she said. "I chose for us to come to the hospital, and now everyone is dead."

"You weren't the only one making decisions. We all agreed."

Ford leaned forward, brushing Evey's curls out of her face. He tucked them behind her ear, and his fingers trailed along her cheek. His touch was so soft and comforting. She wished he could crawl into the bed with her, but she was attached to too many wires and machines. She wanted to hold onto Ford and never let go.

Looking into Ford's blue eyes, her heart ached. Her family's murder was a distant memory, despite being only a few weeks ago. She had killed Gomez in the subway tunnel. She was no better than Ford. He did not kill her family because of malicious intent but because he was trying to save the world. What would have happened if the military had never come to the door? Her family would have turned and killed her without her being prepared.

The image of Lila's face with a foaming mouth and blood running out of her eyes and down her cheeks filled Evey's mind. Tears pricked at her eyes, and she was scared to blink and sob. Would the pain of losing Lila ever lessen?

"We'll find a Cure?" Evey asked.

Ford nodded. "A Cure."

"We can turn everyone back?"

Ford shrugged. Evey tightened her grip as hard as she could on his hand. Did he know something that she did not?

"I don't know," he said. "Thyestean may not work like that. We may only be able to save future people from being infected."

"I want to save everyone," she said.

"You always have."

A nurse walked into the room. Her blonde hair was tied in a bun, and she had a purple headband. She was wearing a sweater over her scrubs. A clipboard was in her hands, and a pen was behind her ear.

"You're awake, Everett," she said. "My name is Amaya. I'm one of the nurses here."

"Are there a lot of nurses here?" Evey asked.

"A few," Amaya said. "We have been rotating shifts to care for the few that are sick or injured."

"I'm a nurse. I want to help."

Amaya giggled. Ford scowled, and Evey prayed he would not snap at the nurse.

"You are currently one of our only two patients," Amaya said. "Rest up. We will definitely need your help in the future."


"We have been slowly accumulating more and more people. Ross is always on that radio."

"What about the Cure?"

"That's in process. Thyestean will not destroy this world."

Amaya pulled the pen from behind her ear and jotted Evey's vitals onto the paper. Ford glared at Amaya as she pressed buttons on the I.V. pole and hung a bag of painkillers on the top.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Ford asked.

Amaya raised a brow and looked over at Ford. Evey was impressed that she did not crumble under Ford's cold, hard stare.

"I've been doing this for years," Amaya said.

"Kalen, don't be an asshole," Evey said.

"You should have heard what he said when you were unconscious."

Evey's jaw dropped as she looked at Ford. He shrugged.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay," he said.

"Not an excuse to be rude."

Ford sighed and rolled his eyes. Amaya giggled and slid the pen behind her ear again.

"If you need anything, just ring the bell," she said.

"Thank you very much," Evey said.

Amaya nodded before exiting. The pain was slowly disappearing from Evey's shoulder to a bearable throb. With Ford brushing his thumb across her knuckles, she fell back asleep. 

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